1 - greple

extensible grep with lexical expression and region control

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greple - extensible grep with lexical expression and region control


Version 9.00_02


greple [-Mmodule] [ -options ] pattern [ file… ]

  pattern              'and +must -not ?optional &function'
  -x, --le   pattern   lexical expression (same as bare pattern)
  -e, --and  pattern   pattern match across line boundary
  -r, --must pattern   pattern cannot be compromised
  -t, --may  pattern   pattern may be exist
  -v, --not  pattern   pattern not to be matched
      --re   pattern   regular expression
      --fe   pattern   fixed expression
  -f, --file file      file contains search pattern
  --select index       select indexed pattern from -f file
  -i                   ignore case
  --need=[+-]n         required positive match count
  --allow=[+-]n        acceptable negative match count
  --matchcount=n[,m]   required match count for each block
  -l                   list filename only
  -c                   print count of matched block only
  -n                   print line number
  -H, -h               do or do not display filenames
  -o                   print only the matching part
  --all                print entire data
  -m, --max=n[,m]      max count of blocks to be shown
  -A,-B,-C [n]         after/before/both match context
  --join               delete newline in the matched part
  --joinby=string      replace newline in the matched text by string
  --nonewline          do not add newline character at block end
  --filestyle=style    how filename printed (once, separate, line)
  --linestyle=style    how line number printed (separate, line)
  --separate           set filestyle and linestyle both "separate"
  --format LABEL=...   define line number and file name format
  --frame-top          top frame
  --frame-middle       middle frame
  --frame-bottom       bottom frame
  --glob=glob          glob target files
  --chdir=dir          change directory before search
  --readlist           get filenames from stdin
  --color=when         use terminal color (auto, always, never)
  --nocolor            same as --color=never
  --colormap=color     R, G, B, C, M, Y etc.
  --colorsub=...       shortcut for --colormap="sub{...}"
  --colorful           use default multiple colors
  --colorindex=flags   color index method: Ascend/Descend/Block/Random
  --ansicolor=s        ANSI color 16, 256 or 24bit
  --[no]256            same as --ansicolor 256 or 16
  --regioncolor        use different color for inside/outside regions
  --uniqcolor          use different color for unique string
  --uniqsub=func       preprocess function before check uniqueness
  --random             use random color each time
  --face               set/unset visual effects
  -p, --paragraph      paragraph mode
  --border=pattern     border pattern
  --block=pattern      block of records
  --blockend=s         block end mark (Default: "--")
  --join-blocks        join back-to-back consecutive blocks
  --inside=pattern     select matches inside of pattern
  --outside=pattern    select matches outside of pattern
  --include=pattern    reduce matches to the area
  --exclude=pattern    reduce matches to outside of the area
  --strict             strict mode for --inside/outside --block
  --icode=name         file encoding
  --ocode=name         output encoding
  --if,--of=filter     input/output filter command
  --pf=filter          post process filter command
  --noif               disable default input filter
  --print=func         print function
  --continue           continue after print function
  --callback=func      callback function for matched string
  --begin=func         call function before search
  --end=func           call function after search
  --prologue=func      call function before command execution
  --epilogue=func      call function after command execution
  --usage[=expand]     show this message
  --exit=n             command exit status
  --norc               skip reading startup file
  --man                display command or module manual page
  --show               display module file
  --path               show module file path
  --persist            same as --error=retry
  --error=action       action after read error
  --warn=type          run time error control
  --alert [name=#]     set alert parameter (size/time)
  -d flags             display info (f:file d:dir c:color m:misc s:stat)



$ cpanm App::Greple




greple can take multiple search patterns by -e option, but unlike egrep(1) command, they are searched in AND context. For example, next command print lines those contain all of foo and bar and baz.

greple -e foo -e bar -e baz ...

Each word can appear in any order and any place in the string. So this command find all of following lines.

foo bar baz
baz bar foo
the foo, bar and baz

If you want to use OR syntax, use regular expression.

greple -e foo -e bar -e baz -e 'yabba|dabba|doo'

This command will print lines those contains all of foo, bar and baz and one or more of yabba, dabba or doo.


Use option -v to specify keyword which should not found in the data record. Next example will show lines those contain both foo and bar but none of yabba, dabba or doo.

greple -e foo -e bar -v yabba -v dabba -v doo
greple -e foo -e bar -v 'yabba|dabba|doo'


When you are focusing on multiple words, there may be words those are not necessary but would be of interest if there were.

Use option –may or -t (tentative) to specify that kind of words. They will be a subject of search, and highlighted if exist, but are optional.

Next command print all lines including foo and bar, and highlight baz as well.

greple -e foo -e bar -t baz


Option –must or -r is another way to specify optional keyword. If required keyword exists, all other positive match keyword becomes optional. Next command is equivalent to the above example.

greple -r foo -r bar -e baz


greple takes the first argument as a search pattern specified by –le option. In –le pattern, you can set multiple keywords in a single parameter. Each keyword is separated by spaces, and the first character describe the type.

none  And pattern            : --and  -e
+     Required pattern       : --must -r
-     Negative match pattern : --not  -v
?     Optional pattern       : --may  -t

Just like internet search engine, you can simply provide foo bar baz to search lines including all words.

greple 'foo bar baz'

Next command show lines which include foo, but does not include bar, and highlight baz if exists.

greple 'foo -bar ?baz'


Default data block greple search and print is a line. Using –paragraph (or -p in short) option, series of text separated by empty line is taken as a record block. So next command will print whole paragraph which contains the word foo, bar and baz.

greple -p 'foo bar baz'

Block also can be defined by pattern. Next command treat the data as a series of 10-line unit.

greple -n --border='(.*\n){1,10}'

You can also define arbitrary complex blocks by writing script.

greple --block '&your_original_function' ...


Using option –inside and –outside, you can specify the text area to be matched. Next commands search only in mail header and body area respectively. In these cases, data block is not changed, so print lines which contains the pattern in the specified area.

greple --inside '\A(.+\n)+' pattern

greple --outside '\A(.+\n)+' pattern

Option –inside/–outside can be used repeatedly to enhance the area to be matched. There are similar option –include/–exclude, but they are used to trim down the area.

These four options also take user defined function and any complex region can be used.


greple search a given pattern across line boundaries. This is especially useful to handle Asian multi-byte text, more specifically Japanese. Japanese text can be separated by newline almost any place in the text. So the search pattern may spread out onto multiple lines.

As for ascii word list, space character in the pattern matches any kind of space including newline. Next example will search the word sequence of foo, bar and baz, even they spread out to multiple lines.

greple -e 'foo bar baz'

Option -e is necessary because space is taken as a token separator in the bare or –le pattern.


User can define default and original options in ~/.greplerc. Next example enables colored output always, and define new option using macro processing.

option default --color=always

define :re1 complex-regex-1
define :re2 complex-regex-2
define :re3 complex-regex-3
option --newopt --inside :re1 --exclude :re2 --re :re3

Specific set of function and option interface can be implemented as module. Modules are invoked by -M option immediately after command name.

For example, greple does not have recursive search option, but it can be implemented by –readlist option which accept target file list from standard input. Using find module, it can be written like this:

greple -Mfind . -type f -- pattern

Also dig module implements more complex search. It can be used as simple as this:

greple -Mdig pattern --dig .

but this command is finally translated into following option list.

greple -Mfind . ( -name .git -o -name .svn -o -name RCS ) -prune -o
    -type f ! -name .* ! -name *,v ! -name *~
    ! -iname *.jpg ! -iname *.jpeg ! -iname *.gif ! -iname *.png
    ! -iname *.tar ! -iname *.tbz  ! -iname *.tgz ! -iname *.pdf
    -print -- pattern


This release include some sample modules. Read document in each modules for detail. You can read the document by –man option or perldoc command.

greple -Mdig --man

perldoc App::Greple::dig

When it does not work, use perldoc App::Greple::dig.

Other modules are available at CPAN, or git repository https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/.



If no specific option is given, greple takes the first argument as a search pattern specified by –le option. All of these patterns can be specified multiple times.

Command itself is written in Perl, and any kind of Perl style regular expression can be used in patterns. See perlre(1) for detail.

Note that multiple line modifier (m) is set when executed, so put (?-m) at the beginning of regex if you want to explicitly disable it.

Order of capture group in the pattern is not guaranteed. Please avoid to use direct index, and use relative or named capture group instead. For example, if you want to search repeated characters, use (\w)\g{-1} or (?<c>\w)\g{c} rather than (\w)\1.

  • -e pattern, –and=pattern

    Specify the positive match pattern. Next command print lines contains all of foo, bar and baz.

      greple -e foo -e bar -e baz
  • -t pattern, –may=pattern

    Specify the optional (tentative) match pattern. Next command print lines contains foo and bar, and highlight baz if exists.

      greple -e foo -e bar -t baz
  • -r pattern, –must=pattern

    Specify the required match pattern. If one or more required pattern exist, other positive match pattern becomes optional.

      greple -r foo -r bar -e baz

    Because -t promote all other -e patterns required, next command do the same thing. Mixing -r, -e and -t is not recommended, though.

      greple -r foo -e bar -t baz
  • -v pattern, –not=pattern

    Specify the negative match pattern. Because it does not affect to the bare pattern argument, you can narrow down the search result like this.

      greple foo file
      greple foo file -v bar
      greple foo file -v bar -v baz

In the above pattern options, space characters are treated specially. They are replaced by the pattern which matches any number of white spaces including newline. So the pattern can expand to multiple lines. Next commands search the series of word foo bar baz even if they are separated by newlines.

greple -e 'foo bar baz'

This is done by converting pattern foo bar baz to foo\s+bar\+baz, so that word separator can match one or more white spaces.

As for Asian wide characters, pattern is cooked as zero or more white spaces can be allowed between any characters. So Japanese string pattern 日本語 will be converted to 日\s*本\s*語.

If you don’t want these conversion, use –re option.

  • -x pattern, –le=pattern

    Treat the pattern string as a collection of tokens separated by spaces. Each token is interpreted by the first character. Token start with - means negative pattern, ? means optional, and + does required.

    Next example print lines which contain foo and yabba, and none of bar and dabba, with highlighting baz and doo if they exist.

      greple --le='foo -bar ?baz yabba -dabba ?doo'

    This is the summary of start character for –le option:

      +  Required pattern
      -  Negative match pattern
      ?  Optional pattern
      &  Function call (see next section)
  • -x [+?-]&function, –le=[+?-]&function

    If the pattern start with ampersand (&), it is treated as a function, and the function is called instead of searching pattern. Function call interface is same as the one for block/region options.

    If you have a definition of odd_line function in you .greplerc, which is described in this manual later, you can print odd number lines like this:

      greple -n '&odd_line' file

    Required (+), optional (?) and negative (-) mark can be used for function pattern.

    CALLBACK FUNCTION: Region list returned by function can have two extra elements besides start/end position. Third element is index. Fourth element is a callback function pointer which will be called to produce string to be shown in command output. Callback function is called with four arguments (start position, end position, index, matched string) and expected to return replacement string.

  • –re=pattern

    Specify regular expression. No special treatment for space and wide characters.

  • –fe=pattern

    Specify the fixed string pattern, like fgrep.

  • -i, –ignore-case

    Ignore case.

  • –need=n

  • –allow=n

    Option to compromise matching condition. Option –need specifies the required match count, and –allow the number of negative condition to be overlooked.

      greple --need=2 --allow=1 'foo bar baz -yabba -dabba -doo'

    Above command prints the line which contains two or more from foo, bar and baz, and does not include more than one of yabba, dabba or doo.

    Using option –need=1, greple produces same result as grep command.

      grep   -e foo -e bar -e baz
      greple -e foo -e bar -e baz --need=1

    When the count n is negative value, it is subtracted from default value.

    If the option –need=0 is specified and no pattern was found, entire data is printed. This is true even for required pattern.

  • –matchcount=count –mc=…

  • –matchcount=min,max –mc=…

    When option –matchcount is specified, only blocks which have given match count will be shown. Minimum and maximum number can be given, connecting by comma, and they can be omitted. Next commands print lines including semicolons; 3 or more, exactly 3, and 3 or less, respectively.

      greple --matchcount=3, ';' file
      greple --matchcount=3  ';' file
      greple --matchcount=,3 ';' file

    In fact, min and max can repeat to represent multiple range. Missing, negative or zero max means infinite. Next command find match count 0 to 10, 20 to 30, and 40-or-greater.

      greple --matchcount=,10,20,30,40
  • -f file, –file=file

    Specify the file which contains search pattern. When file contains multiple lines, patterns are mixed together by OR context.

    Blank line and the line starting with sharp (#) character is ignored. Two slashes (//) and following string are taken as a comment and removed with preceding spaces.

    When multiple files specified, each file produces individual pattern.

    If the file name is followed by [index] string, it is treated as specified by –select option. Next two commands are equivalent.

      greple -f pattern_file'[1,5:7]'
      greple -f pattern_file --select 1,5:7

    See App::Greple::subst module.

  • –select=index

    When you want to choose specific pattern in the pattern file provided by -f option, use –select option. index is number list separated by comma (,) character and each number is interpreted by Getopt::EX::Numbers module. Take a look at the module document for detail.

    Next command use 1st and 5,6,7th pattern in the file.

      greple -f pattern_file --select 1,5:7


  • -l

    List filename only.

  • -c, –count

    Print count of matched block.

  • -n, –line-number

    Show line number.

  • -h, –no-filename

    Do not display filename.

  • -H

    Display filename always.

  • -o, –only-matching

    Print matched string only. Newline character is printed after matched string if it does not end with newline. Use –no-newline option if you don’t need extra newline.

  • –all

    Print entire file. This option does not affect to seach behavior or block treatment. Just print all contents.

  • -m n[,m], –max-count=n[,m]

    Set the maximum count of blocks to be shown to n.

    Actually n and m are simply passed to perl splice function as offset and length. Works like this:

      greple -m  10      # get first 10 blocks
      greple -m   0,-10  # get last 10 blocks
      greple -m   0,10   # remove first 10 blocks
      greple -m -10      # remove last 10 blocks
      greple -m  10,10   # remove 10 blocks from 10th (10-19)

    This option does not affect to search performance and command exit status.

    Note that grep command also has same option, but it’s behavior is different when invoked to multiple files. greple produces given number of output for each file, while grep takes it as a total number of output.

  • -m *, –max-count=*

    In fact, n and m can repeat as many as possible. Next example removes first 10 blocks (by 0,10), then get first 10 blocks from the result (by 10). Consequently, get 10 blocks from 10th (10-19).

      greple -m 0,10,10

    Next command get first 20 (by 20,) and get last 10 (by ,-10), producing same result. Empty string behaves like absence for length and zero for offset.

      greple -m 20,,,-10
  • -A[n], –after-context[=n]

  • -B[n], –before-context[=n]

  • -C[n], –context[=n]

    Print n-blocks before/after matched string. The value n can be omitted and the default is 2. When used with –paragraph or –block option, n means number of paragraph or block.

    Actually, these options expand the area of logical operation. It means

      greple -C1 'foo bar baz'

    matches following text.



      greple -C1 'foo baz'

    also matches this text, because matching blocks around foo and bar overlaps each other and makes single block.

  • –join

  • –joinby=string

    Convert newline character found in matched string to empty or specified string. Using –join with -o (only-matching) option, you can collect searching sentence list in one per line form. This is sometimes useful for Japanese text processing. For example, next command prints the list of KATAKANA words, including those spread across multiple lines.

      greple -ho --join '\p{InKatakana}+(\n\p{InKatakana}+)*'

    Space separated word sequence can be processed with –joinby option. Next example prints all for *something* pattern in pod documents within Perl script.

      greple -Mperl --pod -ioe '\bfor \w+' --joinby ' '
  • –[no]newline

    Since greple can handle arbitrary blocks other than normal text lines, they sometimes do not end with newline character. Option -o makes similar situation. In that case, extra newline is appended at the end of block to be shown. Option –no-newline disables this behavior.

  • –filestyle=[line,once,separate], –fs

    Default style is line, and greple prints filename at the beginning of each line. Style once prints the filename only once at the first time. Style separate prints filename in the separate line before each line or block.

  • –linestyle=[line,separate], –ls

    Default style is line, and greple prints line numbers at the beginning of each line. Style separate prints line number in the separate line before each line or block.

  • –separate

    Shortcut for –filestyle=separate –linestyle=separate. This is convenient to use block mode search and visiting each location from supporting tool, such as Emacs.

  • –format LABEL=format

    Define the format string of line number (LINE) and file name (FILE) to be displayed. Default is:

      --format LINE='%d:'
      --format FILE='%s:'

    Format string is passed to sprintf function. Tab character can be expressed as \t.

    Next example will show line numbers in five digits with tab space:

      --format LINE='%05d\t'
  • –frame-top=string

  • –frame-middle=string

  • –frame-bottom=string

    Print surrounding frames before and after each block. top frame is printed at the beginning, bottom frame at the end, middle frame between blocks.


  • –glob=pattern

    Get files matches to specified pattern and use them as a target files. Using –chdir and –glob makes easy to use greple for fixed common job.

  • –chdir=directory

    Change directory before processing files. When multiple directories are specified in –chdir option, by using wildcard form or repeating option, –glob file expansion will be done for every directories.

      greple --chdir '/usr/man/man?' --glob '*.[0-9]' ...
  • –readlist

    Get filenames from standard input. Read standard input and use each line as a filename for searching. You can feed the output from other command like find(1) for greple with this option. Next example searches string from files modified within 7 days:

      find . -mtime -7 -print | greple --readlist pattern

    Using find module, this can be done like:

      greple -Mfind . -mtime -7 -- pattern


  • –color=[auto,always,never], –nocolor

    Use terminal color capability to emphasize the matched text. Default is auto: effective when STDOUT is a terminal and option -o is not given, not otherwise. Option value always and never will work as expected.

    Option –nocolor is alias for –color=never.

    When color output is disabled, ANSI terminal sequence is not produced, but functional colormap, such as --cm sub{...}, still works.

  • –colormap=spec, –cm=…

    Specify color map. Because this option is mostly implemented by Getopt::EX::Colormap module, consult its document for detail and up-to-date specification.

    Color specification is combination of single uppercase character representing basic colors, and (usually brighter) alternative colors in lowercase:

      R  r   Red
      G  g   Green
      B  b   Blue
      C  c   Cyan
      M  m   Magenta
      Y  y   Yellow
      K  k   Black
      W  w   White

    or RGB value and 24 grey levels if using ANSI 256 color terminal:

      (255,255,255)      : 24bit decimal RGB colors
      #000000 .. #FFFFFF : 24bit hex RGB colors
      #000    .. #FFF    : 12bit hex RGB 4096 colors
      000 .. 555         : 6x6x6 RGB 216 colors
      L00 .. L25         : Black (L00), 24 grey levels, White (L25)
    Beginning # can be omitted in 24bit RGB notation.
    When values are all same in 24bit or 12bit RGB, it is converted to 24
    grey level, otherwise 6x6x6 216 color.

    or color names enclosed by angle bracket:

      <red> <blue> <green> <cyan> <magenta> <yellow>
      <aliceblue> <honeydue> <hotpink> <mooccasin>

    with other special effects:

      N    None
      Z  0 Zero (reset)
      D  1 Double strike (boldface)
      P  2 Pale (dark)
      I  3 Italic
      U  4 Underline
      F  5 Flash (blink: slow)
      Q  6 Quick (blink: rapid)
      S  7 Stand out (reverse video)
      H  8 Hide (concealed)
      X  9 Cross out
      E    Erase Line
      ;    No effect
      /    Toggle foreground/background
      ^    Reset to foreground

    If the spec includes /, left side is considered as foreground color and right side as background. If multiple colors are given in same spec, all indicators are produced in the order of their presence. As a result, the last one takes effect.

    Effect characters are case insensitive, and can be found anywhere and in any order in color spec string. Character ; does nothing and can be used just for readability, like SD;K/544.


      RGB  6x6x6    12bit      24bit           color name
      ===  =======  =========  =============  ==================
      B    005      #00F       (0,0,255)      <blue>
       /M     /505      /#F0F   /(255,0,255)  /<magenta>
      K/W  000/555  #000/#FFF  000000/FFFFFF  <black>/<white>
      R/G  500/050  #F00/#0F0  FF0000/00FF00  <red>/<green>
      W/w  L03/L20  #333/#ccc  303030/c6c6c6  <dimgrey>/<lightgrey>

    Multiple colors can be specified separating by white space or comma, or by repeating options. Those colors will be applied for each pattern keywords. Next command will show word foo in red, bar in green and baz in blue.

      greple --colormap='R G B' 'foo bar baz'
      greple --cm R -e foo --cm G -e bar --cm B -e baz

    Coloring capability is implemented in Getopt::EX::Colormap module.

  • –colormap=field=spec,…

    Another form of colormap option to specify the color for fields:

      FILE      File name
      LINE      Line number
      TEXT      Unmatched normal text
      BLOCKEND  Block end mark
      PROGRESS  Progress status with -dnf option

    In current release, BLOCKEND mark is colored with E effect recently implemented in Getopt::EX module, which allows to fill up the line with background color. This effect uses irregular escape sequence, and you may need to define LESSANSIENDCHARS environment as “mK” to see the result with less command.

  • –colormap=&func

  • –colormap=sub{...}

    You can also set the name of perl subroutine name or definition to be called handling matched words. Target word is passed as variable $_, and the return value of the subroutine will be displayed.

    Next command convert all words in C comment to upper case.

      greple --all '/\*(?s:.*?)\*/' --cm 'sub{uc}'

    You can quote matched string instead of coloring (this emulates deprecated option –quote):

      greple --cm 'sub{"<".$_.">"}' ...

    It is possible to use this definition with field names. Next example print line numbers in seven digits.

      greple -n --cm 'LINE=sub{s/(\d+)/sprintf("%07d",$1)/e;$_}'

    Experimentally, function can be combined with other normal color specifications. Also the form &func; can be repeated.

      greple --cm 'BF/544;sub{uc}'
      greple --cm 'R;&func1;&func2;&func3'

    When color for ‘TEXT’ field is specified, whole text including matched part is passed to the function, exceptionally. It is not recommended to use user defined function for ‘TEXT’ field.

  • –colorsub=..., –cs=…

    –colorsub or –cs is a shortcut for subroutine colormap. It simply enclose the argument by sub{ ... } expression. So

      greple -cm 'sub{uc}'

    can be written as simple as this.

      greple -cs uc

    You can not use this option for labeled color.

  • –[no]colorful

    Shortcut for –colormap=’RD GD BD CD MD YD’ in ANSI 16 colors mode, and –colormap=’D/544 D/454 D/445 D/455 D/454 D/554’ and other combination of 3, 4, 5 for 256 colors mode. Enabled by default.

    When single pattern is specified, first color in colormap is used for the pattern. If multiple patterns and multiple colors are specified, each pattern is colored with corresponding color cyclically.

    Option –regioncolor, –uniqcolor and –colorindex change this behavior.

  • –colorindex=spec, –ci=spec

    Specify color index method by combination of spec characters. A (ascend) and D (descend) can be mixed with B (block) and/or S (shuffle) like –ci=ABS. R (random) can be too but it does not make sense. When S is used alone, colormap is shuffled with normal behavior.

    • A (Ascending)

      Apply different color sequentially according to the order of appearance.

    • D (Descending)

      Apply different color sequentially according to the reverse order of appearance.

    • B (Block)

      Reset sequential index on every block.

    • S (Shuffle)

      Shuffle indexed color.

    • R (Random)

      Use random color index every time.

    • N (Normal)

      Reset to normal behavior. Because the last option takes effect, –ci=N can be used to reset the behavior set by previous options.

  • –random

    Shortcut for –colorindex=R.

  • –ansicolor=[16,256,24bit]

    If set as 16, use ANSI 16 colors as a default color set, otherwise ANSI 256 colors. When set as 24bit, 6 hex digits notation produces 24bit color sequence. Default is 256.

  • –[no]256

    Shortcut for –ansicolor=256 or 16.

  • –[no]regioncolor, –[no]rc

    Use different colors for each –inside/outside region.

    Disabled by default, but automatically enabled when only single search pattern is specified. Use –no-regioncolor to cancel automatic action.

  • –[no]uniqcolor, –[no]uc

    Use different colors for different string matched. Disabled by default.

    Next example prints all words start by color and display them all in different colors.

      greple --uniqcolor 'colou?r\w*'

    When used with option -i, color is selected still in case-sensitive fashion. If you want case-insensitive color selection, use next –uniqsub option.

  • –uniqsub=function, –us=function

    Above option –uniqcolor set same color for same literal string. Option –uniqsub specify the preprocessor code applied before comparison. function get matched string by $_ and returns the result. For example, next command will choose unique colors for each word by their length.

      greple --uniqcolor --uniqsub 'sub{length}' '\w+' file

    If you want case-insensitive color selection, do like this.

      greple -i pattern --uc --uniqsub 'sub{lc}'

    Next command read the output from git blame command and set unique color for each entire line by their commit ids.

      git blame ... | greple .+ --uc --us='sub{s/\s.*//r}' --face=E-D
  • –face=[-+]effect

    Set or unset specified effect for all indexed color specs. Use + (optional) to set, and - to unset. Effect is a single character expressing S (Stand-out), U (Underline), D (Double-struck), F (Flash) and such.

    Next example remove D (double-struck) effect.

      greple --face -D

    Multiple effects can be set/unset at once.

      greple --face SF-D


  • -p, –paragraph

    Print a paragraph which contains the pattern. Each paragraph is delimited by two or more successive newlines by default. Be aware that an empty line is not a paragraph delimiter if which contains space characters. Example:

      greple -np 'setuid script' /usr/man/catl/perl.l
      greple -pe '^struct sockaddr' /usr/include/sys/socket.h

    It changes the unit of context specified by -A, -B, -C options. Space gap between paragraphs are also treated as block unit. Thus, option -pC2 will print with previous and next paragraph, while -pC1 will print with just surrounding spaces.

    You can create original paragraph pattern by –border option.

  • –border=pattern

    Specify record block border pattern. Pattern match is done in the context of multiple line mode.

    Default block is a single line and use /^/m as a pattern. Paragraph mode uses /(?:\A|\R)\K\R+/, which means continuous newlines at the beginning of text or following another newline (\R means more general linebreaks including \r\n; consult perlrebackslash for detail).

    Next command treat the data as a series of 10-line unit.

      greple -n --border='(.*\n){1,10}'

    Contrary to the next –block option, –border never produce disjoint records.

    If you want to treat entire file as a single block, setting border to start or end of whole data is efficient way. Next commands works same.

      greple --border '\A'    # beginning of file
      greple --border '\z'    # end of file
  • –block=pattern

  • –block=&sub

    Specify the record block to display. Default block is a single line.

    Empty blocks are ignored. When blocks are not continuous, the match occurred outside blocks are ignored.

    If multiple block options are given, overlapping blocks are merged into a single block.

    Please be aware that this option is sometimes quite time consuming, because it finds all blocks before processing.

  • –blockend=string

    Change the end mark displayed after -pABC or –block options. Default value is “–”.

  • –join-blocks

    Join consecutive blocks together. Logical operation is done for each individual blocks, but if the results are back-to-back connected, make them single block for final output.


  • –inside=pattern

  • –outside=pattern

    Option –inside and –outside limit the text area to be matched. For simple example, if you want to find string and not in the word command, it can be done like this.

      greple --outside=command and

    The block can be larger and expand to multiple lines. Next command searches from C source, excluding comment part.

      greple --outside '(?s)/\*.*?\*/'

    Next command searches only from POD part of the perl script.

      greple --inside='(?s)^=.*?(^=cut|\Z)'

    When multiple inside and outside regions are specified, those regions are mixed up in union way.

    In multiple color environment, and if single keyword is specified, matches in each –inside/outside region is printed in different color. Forcing this operation with multiple keywords, use –regioncolor option.

  • –inside=&function

  • –outside=&function

    If the pattern name begins by ampersand (&) character, it is treated as a name of subroutine which returns a list of blocks. Using this option, user can use arbitrary function to determine from what part of the text they want to search. User defined function can be defined in .greplerc file or by module option.

  • –include=pattern

  • –exclude=pattern

  • –include=&function

  • –exclude=&function

    –include/exclude option behave exactly same as –inside/outside when used alone.

    When used in combination, –include/exclude are mixed in AND manner, while –inside/outside are in OR.

    Thus, in the next example, first line prints all matches, and second does none.

      greple --inside PATTERN --outside PATTERN
      greple --include PATTERN --exclude PATTERN

    You can make up desired matches using –inside/outside option, then remove unnecessary part by –include/exclude

  • –strict

    Limit the match area strictly.

    By default, –block, –inside/outside, –include/exclude option allows partial match within the specified area. For instance,

      greple --inside and command

    matches pattern command because the part of matched string is included in specified inside-area. Partial match fails when option –strict provided, and longer string never matches within shorter area.

    Interestingly enough, above example

      greple --include PATTERN --exclude PATTERN

    produces output, as a matter of fact. Think of the situation searching, say, ' PATTERN ' with this condition. Matched area includes surrounding spaces, and satisfies both conditions partially. This match does not occur when option –strict is given, either.


  • –icode=code

    Target file is assumed to be encoded in utf8 by default. Use this option to set specific encoding. When handling Japanese text, you may choose from 7bit-jis (jis), euc-jp or shiftjis (sjis). Multiple code can be supplied using multiple option or combined code names with space or comma, then file encoding is guessed from those code sets. Use encoding name guess for automatic recognition from default code list which is euc-jp and 7bit-jis. Following commands are all equivalent.

      greple --icode=guess ...
      greple --icode=euc-jp,7bit-jis ...
      greple --icode=euc-jp --icode=7bit-jis ...

    Default code set are always included suspect code list. If you have just one code adding to suspect list, put + mark before the code name. Next example does automatic code detection from euc-kr, ascii, utf8 and UTF-16/32.

      greple --icode=+euc-kr ...

    If the string “binary” is given as encoding name, no character encoding is expected and all files are processed as binary data.

  • –ocode=code

    Specify output code. Default is utf8.


  • –if=filter, –if=EXP:filter

    You can specify filter command which is applied to each file before search. If only one filter command is specified, it is applied to all files. If filter information include colon, first field will be perl expression to check the filename saved in variable $_. If it successes, next filter command is pushed.

      greple --if=rev perg
      greple --if='/\.tar$/:tar tvf -'

    If the command doesn’t accept standard input as processing data, you may be able to use special device:

      greple --if='nm /dev/stdin' crypt /usr/lib/lib*

    Filters for compressed and gzipped file is set by default unless –noif option is given. Default action is like this:

      greple --if='s/\.Z$//:zcat' --if='s/\.g?z$//:gunzip -c'

    File with .gpg suffix is filtered by gpg command. In that case, pass-phrase is asked for each file. If you want to input pass-phrase only once to find from multiple files, use -Mpgp module.

    If the filter start with &, perl subroutine is called instead of external command. You can define the subroutine in .greplerc or modules. Greple simply call the subroutine, so it should be responsible for process control.

  • –noif

    Disable default input filter. Which means compressed files will not be decompressed automatically.

  • –of=filter

  • –of=&func

    Specify output filter which process the output of greple command. Filter command can be specified in multiple times, and they are invoked for each file to be processed. So next command reset the line number for each file.

      greple --of 'cat -n' string file1 file2 ...

    If the filter start with &, perl subroutine is called instead of external command. You can define the subroutine in .greplerc or modules.

    Output filter command is executed only when matched string exists to avoid invoking many unnecessary processes. No effect for option -l and -c.

  • –pf=filter

  • –pf=&func

    Similar to –of filter but invoked just once and takes care of entire output from greple command.


  • –print=function

  • –print=sub{…}

    Specify user defined function executed before data print. Text to be printed is replaced by the result of the function. Arbitrary function can be defined in .greplerc file or module. Matched data is placed in variable $_. Filename is passed by &FILELABEL key, as described later.

    It is possible to use multiple –print options. In that case, second function will get the result of the first function. The command will print the final result of the last function.

  • –continue

    When –print option is given, greple will immediately print the result returned from print function and finish the cycle. Option –continue forces to continue normal printing process after print function called. So please be sure that all data being consistent.

  • –callback=function()

    Callback function is called before printing every matched pattern with four labeled parameters: start, end, index and match, which corresponds to start and end position in the text, pattern index, and the matched string. Matched string in the text is replaced by returned string from the function.

  • –begin=function()

  • –begin=function=

    Option –begin specify the function executed at the beginning of each file processing. This function have to be called from main package. So if you define the function in the module package, use the full package name or export properly.

    If the function dies with a message starting with a word “SKIP” (/^SKIP/i), that file is simply skipped. So you can control if the file is to be processed using the file name or content. To see the message, use –warn begin=1 option.

    For example, using next function, only perl related files will be processed.

      sub is_perl {
          my %arg = @_;
          my $name = delete $arg{&FILELABEL} or die;
          $name =~ /\.(?:pm|pl|PL|pod)$/ or /\A#!.*\bperl/
              or die "skip $name\n";
      option default --filestyle=once --format FILE='\n%s:\n'
      autoload -Mdig --dig
      option --perl $<move> --begin &__PACKAGE__::is_perl --dig .
  • –end=function()

  • –end=function=

    Option –end is almost same as –begin, except that the function is called after the file processing.

  • –prologue=function()

  • –prologue=function=

  • –epilogue=function()

  • –epilogue=function=

    Option –prologue and –epilogue specify functions called before and after processing. During the execution, file is not opened and therefore, file name is not given to those functions.

  • -Mmodule::function(…)

  • -Mmodule::function=…

    Function can be given with module option, following module name. In this form, the function will be called with module package name. So you don’t have to export it. Because it is called only once at the beginning of command execution, before starting file processing, FILELABEL parameter is not given exceptionally.

For these run-time functions, optional argument list can be set in the form of key or key=value, connected by comma. These arguments will be passed to the function in key => value list. Sole key will have the value one. Also processing file name is passed with the key of FILELABEL constant. As a result, the option in the next form:

--begin function(key1,key2=val2)
--begin function=key1,key2=val2

will be transformed into following function call:

function(&FILELABEL => "filename", key1 => 1, key2 => "val2")

As described earlier, FILELABEL parameter is not given to the function specified with module option. So


simply becomes:

function(key1 => 1, key2 => "val2")

The function can be defined in .greplerc or modules. Assign the arguments into hash, then you can access argument list as member of the hash. It’s safe to delete FILELABEL key if you expect random parameter is given. Content of the target file can be accessed by $_. Ampersand (&) is required to avoid the hash key is interpreted as a bare word.

sub function {
    my %arg = @_;
    my $filename = delete $arg{&FILELABEL};
    $arg{key1};             # 1
    $arg{key2};             # "val2"
    $_;                     # contents


  • –usage[=expand]

    Greple print usage and exit with option –usage, or no valid parameter is not specified. In this case, module option is displayed with help information if available. If you want to see how they are expanded, supply something not empty to –usage option, like:

      greple -Mmodule --usage=expand
  • –exit=number

    When greple executed normally, it exit with status 0 or 1 depending on something matched or not. Sometimes we want to get status 0 even if nothing matched. This option set the status code for normal execution. It still exits with non-zero status when error occurred.

  • –man, –doc

    Show manual page. Display module’s manual page when used with -M option.

  • –show, –less

    Show module file contents. Use with -M option.

  • –path

    Show module file path. Use with -M option.

  • –norc

    Do not read startup file: ~/.greplerc. This option have to be placed before any other options including -M module options. Setting GREPLE_NORC environment have same effect.

  • –conceal type=val

    Use following –warn option in reverse context. This option remains for backward compatibility and will be deprecated in the near future.

  • –persist

    Same as –error=retry. It may be deprecated in the future.

  • –error=action

    As greple tries to read data as a character string, sometimes fails to convert them into internal representation, and the file is skipped without processing by default. This works fine to skip binary data. (skip)

    Also sometimes encounters code mapping error due to character encoding. In this case, reading the file as a binary data helps to produce meaningful output. (retry)

    This option specifies the action when data read error occurred.

    • skip

      Skip the file. Default.

    • retry

      Retry reading the file as a binary data.

    • fatal

      Abort the operation.

    • ignore

      Ignore error and continue to read anyway.

    You may occasionally want to find text in binary data. Next command will work like string(1) command.

      greple -o --re '(?a)\w{4,}' --error=retry --uc /bin/*

    If you want read all files as binary data, use –icode=binary instead.

  • -w, –warn type=[0,1]

    Control runtime message mainly about file operation related to –error option. Repeatable. Value is optional and 1 is assumed when omitted. So -wall option is same as -wall=1 and enables all messages, and -wall=0 disables all.

    Types are:

    • read

      (Default 0) Errors occurred during file read. Mainly unicode related errors when reading binary or ambiguous text file.

    • skip

      (Default 1) File skip message.

    • retry

      (Default 0) File retry message.

    • begin

      (Default 0) When –begin function died with /^SKIP/i message, the file is skipped without any notice. Enables this to see the dying message.

    • all

      Set same value for all types.

  • –alert [ size=#, time=# ]

    Set alert parameter for large file. Greple scans whole file content to know line borders, and it takes several seconds or more if it contains large number of lines.

    By default, if the target file contains more than 512 * 1024 characters (size), 2 seconds timer will start (time). Alert message is shown when the timer expired.

    To disable this alert, set the size as zero:

      --alert size=0
  • -Mdebug, -dx

    Debug option is described in App::Greple::debug module.



    Environment variable GREPLEOPTS is used as a default options. They are inserted before command line options.


    If set non-empty string, startup file ~/.greplerc is not processed.


    Enable Getopt::Long debug option.


    Enable Getopt::EX debug option.


    If true, all coloring capability with ANSI terminal sequence is disabled. See https://no-color.org/.

Before starting execution, greple reads the file named .greplerc on user’s home directory. Following directives can be used.

  • option name string

    Argument name of option directive is user defined option name. The rest are processed by shellwords routine defined in Text::ParseWords module. Be sure that this module sometimes requires escape backslashes.

    Any kind of string can be used for option name but it is not combined with other options.

      option --fromcode --outside='(?s)\/\*.*?\*\/'
      option --fromcomment --inside='(?s)\/\*.*?\*\/'

    If the option named default is defined, it will be used as a default option.

    For the purpose to include following arguments within replaced strings, two special notations can be used in option definition. String $<n> is replaced by the _n_th argument after the substituted option, where n is number start from one. String $<shift> is replaced by following command line argument and the argument is removed from option list.

    For example, when

      option --line --le &line=$<shift>

    is defined, command

      greple --line 10,20-30,40

    will be evaluated as this:

      greple --le &line=10,20-30,40
  • expand name string

    Define local option name. Command expand is almost same as command option in terms of its function. However, option defined by this command is expanded in, and only in, the process of definition, while option definition is expanded when command arguments are processed.

    This is similar to string macro defined by following define command. But macro expansion is done by simple string replacement, so you have to use expand to define option composed by multiple arguments.

  • define name string

    Define macro. This is similar to option, but argument is not processed by shellwords and treated just a simple text, so meta-characters can be included without escape. Macro expansion is done for option definition and other macro definition. Macro is not evaluated in command line option. Use option directive if you want to use in command line,

      define (#kana) \p{InKatakana}
      option --kanalist --nocolor -o --join --re '(#kana)+(\n(#kana)+)*'
      help   --kanalist List up Katakana string
  • help name

    If help directive is used for same option name, it will be printed in usage message. If the help message is ignore, corresponding line won’t show up in the usage.

  • builtin spec variable

    Define built-in option which should be processed by option parser. Arguments are assumed to be Getopt::Long style spec, and variable is string start with $, @ or %. They will be replaced by a reference to the object which the string represent.

    See pgp module for example.

  • autoload module options

    Define module which should be loaded automatically when specified option is found in the command arguments.

    For example,

      autoload -Mdig --dig --git

    replaces option “--dig” to “-Mdig --dig”, so that dig module is loaded before processing --dig option.

Environment variable substitution is done for string specified by option and define directives. Use Perl syntax $ENV{NAME} for this purpose. You can use this to make a portable module.

When greple found __PERL__ line in .greplerc file, the rest of the file is evaluated as a Perl program. You can define your own subroutines which can be used by –inside/outside, –include/exclude, –block options.

For those subroutines, file content will be provided by global variable $_. Expected response from the subroutine is the list of array references, which is made up by start and end offset pairs.

For example, suppose that the following function is defined in your .greplerc file. Start and end offset for each pattern match can be taken as array element $-[0] and $+[0].

sub odd_line {
    my @list;
    my $i;
    while (/.*\n/g) {
        push(@list, [ $-[0], $+[0] ]) if ++$i % 2;

You can use next command to search pattern included in odd number lines.

% greple --inside '&odd_line' pattern files...


You can expand the greple command using module. Module files are placed at App/Greple/ directory in Perl library, and therefor has App::Greple::module package name.

In the command line, module have to be specified preceding any other options in the form of -Mmodule. However, it also can be specified at the beginning of option expansion.

If the package name is declared properly, __DATA__ section in the module file will be interpreted same as .greplerc file content. So you can declare the module specific options there. Functions declared in the module can be used from those options, it makes highly expandable option/programming interaction possible.

Using -M without module argument will print available module list. Option –man will display module document when used with -M option. Use –show option to see the module itself. Option –path will print the path of module file.

See this sample module code. This sample defines options to search from pod, comment and other segment in Perl script. Those capability can be implemented both in function and macro.

package App::Greple::perl;

use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT      = qw(pod comment podcomment);
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( );
our @EXPORT_OK   = qw();

use App::Greple::Common;
use App::Greple::Regions;

my $pod_re = qr{^=\w+(?s:.*?)(?:\Z|^=cut\s*\n)}m;
my $comment_re = qr{^(?:[ \t]*#.*\n)+}m;

sub pod {
    match_regions(pattern => $pod_re);
sub comment {
    match_regions(pattern => $comment_re);
sub podcomment {
    match_regions(pattern => qr/$pod_re|$comment_re/);



define :comment: ^(\s*#.*\n)+
define :pod: ^=(?s:.*?)(?:\Z|^=cut\s*\n)

#option --pod --inside :pod:
#option --comment --inside :comment:
#option --code --outside :pod:|:comment:

option --pod --inside '&pod'
option --comment --inside '&comment'
option --code --outside '&podcomment'

You can use the module like this:

greple -Mperl --pod default greple

greple -Mperl --colorful --code --comment --pod default greple

If special subroutine initialize() and finalize() are defined in the module, they are called at the beginning with Getopt::EX::Module object as a first argument. Second argument is the reference to @ARGV, and you can modify actual @ARGV using it. See App::Greple::find module as an example.

Calling sequence is like this. See Getopt::EX::Module for detail.

1) Call initialize()
2) Call function given in -Mmod::func() style
3) Call finalize()


Most capability of greple is derived from mg command, which has been developing from early 1990’s by the same author. Because modern standard grep family command becomes to have similar capabilities, it is a time to clean up entire functionalities, totally remodel the option interfaces, and change the command name. (2013.11)


grep(1), perl(1)

App::Greple, https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple

Getopt::EX, https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/Getopt-EX


Kazumasa Utashiro


Copyright 1991-2022 Kazumasa Utashiro

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

2 - greple@v8

extensible grep with lexical expression and region control

Actions Status MetaCPAN Release


greple - extensible grep with lexical expression and region control


Version 8.60


greple [-Mmodule] [ -options ] pattern [ file… ]

  pattern              'and +must -not ?alternative &function'
  -x, --le   pattern   lexical expression (same as bare pattern)
  -e, --and  pattern   pattern match across line boundary
  -r, --must pattern   pattern cannot be compromised
  -v, --not  pattern   pattern not to be matched
      --or   pattern   alternative pattern group
      --re   pattern   regular expression
      --fe   pattern   fixed expression
  -f, --file file      file contains search pattern
  --select index       select indexed pattern from -f file
  -i                   ignore case
  --need=[+-]n         required positive match count
  --allow=[+-]n        acceptable negative match count
  --matchcount=n[,m]   required match count for each block
  -l                   list filename only
  -c                   print count of matched block only
  -n                   print line number
  -H, -h               do or do not display filenames
  -o                   print only the matching part
  --all                print entire data
  -m, --max=n[,m]      max count of blocks to be shown
  -A,-B,-C [n]         after/before/both match context
  --join               delete newline in the matched part
  --joinby=string      replace newline in the matched text by string
  --nonewline          do not add newline character at block end
  --filestyle=style    how filename printed (once, separate, line)
  --linestyle=style    how line number printed (separate, line)
  --separate           set filestyle and linestyle both "separate"
  --format LABEL=...   define line number and file name format
  --frame-top          top frame
  --frame-middle       middle frame
  --frame-bottom       bottom frame
  --glob=glob          glob target files
  --chdir=dir          change directory before search
  --readlist           get filenames from stdin
  --color=when         use terminal color (auto, always, never)
  --nocolor            same as --color=never
  --colormap=color     R, G, B, C, M, Y etc.
  --colorful           use default multiple colors
  --colorindex=flags   color index method: Ascend/Descend/Block/Random
  --ansicolor=s        ANSI color 16, 256 or 24bit
  --[no]256            same as --ansicolor 256 or 16
  --regioncolor        use different color for inside/outside regions
  --uniqcolor          use different color for unique string
  --uniqsub=func       preprocess function before check uniqueness
  --random             use random color each time
  --face               set/unset visual effects
  -p, --paragraph      paragraph mode
  --border=pattern     border pattern
  --block=pattern      block of records
  --blockend=s         block end mark (Default: "--")
  --join-blocks        join back-to-back consecutive blocks
  --inside=pattern     select matches inside of pattern
  --outside=pattern    select matches outside of pattern
  --include=pattern    reduce matches to the area
  --exclude=pattern    reduce matches to outside of the area
  --strict             strict mode for --inside/outside --block
  --icode=name         file encoding
  --ocode=name         output encoding
  --if,--of=filter     input/output filter command
  --pf=filter          post process filter command
  --noif               disable default input filter
  --print=func         print function
  --continue           continue after print function
  --callback=func      callback function for matched string
  --begin=func         call function before search
  --end=func           call function after search
  --prologue=func      call function before command execution
  --epilogue=func      call function after command execution
  --usage[=expand]     show this message
  --exit=n             command exit status
  --norc               skip reading startup file
  --man                display command or module manual page
  --show               display module file
  --path               show module file path
  --persist            same as --error=retry
  --error=action       action after read error
  --warn=type          run time error control
  --alert [name=#]     set alert parameter (size/time)
  -d flags             display info (f:file d:dir c:color m:misc s:stat)



$ cpanm App::Greple



greple has almost same function as Unix command egrep(1) but search is done in a manner similar to Internet search engine. For example, next command print lines those contain all of foo and bar and baz.

greple 'foo bar baz' ...

Each word can appear in any order and any place in the string. So this command find all of following lines.

foo bar baz
baz bar foo
the foo, bar and baz

If you want to use OR syntax, prepend question mark (?) on each token, or use regular expression.

greple 'foo bar baz ?yabba ?dabba ?doo'
greple 'foo bar baz yabba|dabba|doo'

This command will print lines those contains all of foo, bar and baz and one or more of yabba, dabba or doo.

NOT operator can be specified by prefixing the token by minus sign (-). Next example will show lines those contain both foo and bar but none of yabba, dabba or doo.

greple 'foo bar -yabba -dabba -doo'

This can be written as this using -e and -v option.

greple -e foo -e bar -v yabba -v dabba -v doo
greple -e foo -e bar -v 'yabba|dabba|doo'

If + is placed to positive matching pattern, that pattern is marked as required, and required match count is automatically set to the number of required patterns. So

greple '+foo bar baz'

commands implicitly set the option --need 1, and consequently print all lines including foo. In other words, it makes other patterns optional, but they are highlighted if exist. If you want to search lines which includes foo and either or both of bar and baz, use like this:

greple '+foo bar baz' --need 2
greple '+foo bar baz' --need +1
greple 'foo bar|baz'


Default data block greple search and print is a line. Using –paragraph (or -p in short) option, series of text separated by empty line is taken as a record block. So next command will print whole paragraph which contains the word foo, bar and baz.

greple -p 'foo bar baz'

Block also can be defined by pattern. Next command treat the data as a series of 10-line unit.

greple -n --border='(.*\n){1,10}'

You can also define arbitrary complex blocks by writing script.

greple --block '&your_original_function' ...


Using option –inside and –outside, you can specify the text area to be matched. Next commands search only in mail header and body area respectively. In these cases, data block is not changed, so print lines which contains the pattern in the specified area.

greple --inside '\A(.+\n)+' pattern

greple --outside '\A(.+\n)+' pattern

Option –inside/–outside can be used repeatedly to enhance the area to be matched. There are similar option –include/–exclude, but they are used to trim down the area.

These four options also take user defined function and any complex region can be used.


greple search a given pattern across line boundaries. This is especially useful to handle Asian multi-byte text, more specifically Japanese. Japanese text can be separated by newline almost any place in the text. So the search pattern may spread out onto multiple lines.

As for ascii word list, space character in the pattern matches any kind of space including newline. Next example will search the word sequence of foo, bar and baz, even they spread out to multiple lines.

greple -e 'foo bar baz'

Option -e is necessary because space is taken as a token separator in the bare or –le pattern.


User can define default and original options in ~/.greplerc. Next example enables colored output always, and define new option using macro processing.

option default --color=always

define :re1 complex-regex-1
define :re2 complex-regex-2
define :re3 complex-regex-3
option --newopt --inside :re1 --exclude :re2 --re :re3

Specific set of function and option interface can be implemented as module. Modules are invoked by -M option immediately after command name.

For example, greple does not have recursive search option, but it can be implemented by –readlist option which accept target file list from standard input. Using find module, it can be written like this:

greple -Mfind . -type f -- pattern

Also dig module implements more complex search. It can be used as simple as this:

greple -Mdig pattern --dig .

but this command is finally translated into following option list.

greple -Mfind . ( -name .git -o -name .svn -o -name RCS ) -prune -o
    -type f ! -name .* ! -name *,v ! -name *~
    ! -iname *.jpg ! -iname *.jpeg ! -iname *.gif ! -iname *.png
    ! -iname *.tar ! -iname *.tbz  ! -iname *.tgz ! -iname *.pdf
    -print -- pattern


This release include some sample modules. Read document in each modules for detail. You can read the document by –man option or perldoc command.

greple -Mdig --man

perldoc App::Greple::dig

When it does not work, use perldoc App::Greple::dig.

Other modules are available at CPAN, or git repository https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/.



If no specific option is given, greple takes the first argument as a search pattern specified by –le option. All of these patterns can be specified multiple times.

Command itself is written in Perl, and any kind of Perl style regular expression can be used in patterns. See perlre(1) for detail.

Note that multiple line modifier (m) is set when executed, so put (?-m) at the beginning of regex if you want to explicitly disable it.

Order of capture group in the pattern is not guaranteed. Please avoid to use direct index, and use relative or named capture group instead. For example, if you want to search repeated characters, use (\w)\g{-1} or (?<c>\w)\g{c} rather than (\w)\1.

  • -x pattern, –le=pattern

    Treat the string as a collection of tokens separated by spaces. Each token is interpreted by the first character. Token start with - means negative pattern, ? means alternative, and + does required.

    Next example print lines which contains foo and bar, and one or more of yabba and dabba, and none of baz and doo.

      greple --le='foo bar -baz ?yabba ?dabba -doo'

    Multiple ? preceded tokens are treated all mixed together. That means ?A|B ?C|D is equivalent to ?A|B|C|D. If you want to mean (A or B) and (C or D), use AND syntax instead: A|B C|D.

    This is the summary of start character for –le option:

      +  Required pattern
      -  Negative match pattern
      ?  Alternative pattern
      &  Function call (see next section)
  • -x=[+-]&function, –le=[+-]&function

    If the pattern start with ampersand (&), it is treated as a function, and the function is called instead of searching pattern. Function call interface is same as the one for block/region options.

    If you have a definition of odd_line function in you .greplerc, which is described in this manual later, you can print odd number lines like this:

      greple -n '&odd_line' file

    Required (+) and negative (-) mark can be used for function pattern.

    This version experimentally support callback function for each pattern. Region list returned by function can have two extra element besides start/end position. Third element is index. Fourth element is callback function pointer which is called to produce string to be shown in command output. Callback function takes four argument (start position, end position, index, matched string) and returns replacement string.

  • -e pattern, –and=pattern

    Specify positive match token. Next two commands are equivalent.

      greple 'foo bar baz'
      greple -e foo -e bar -e baz

    First character is not interpreted, so next commands will search the pattern -baz.

      greple -e -baz

    Space characters are treated specially by -e and -v options. They are replaced by the pattern which matches any number of white spaces including newline. So the pattern can be expand to multiple lines. Next commands search the series of word foo, bar and baz even if they are separated by newlines.

      greple -e 'foo bar baz'
  • -r pattern, –must=pattern

    Specify required match token. Next two commands are equivalent.

      greple '+foo bar baz'
      greple -r foo -e bar -e baz
  • -v pattern, –not=pattern

    Specify negative match token. Because it does not affect to the bare pattern argument, you can narrow down the search result like this.

      greple foo file
      greple foo file -v bar
      greple foo file -v bar -v baz
  • –or=pattern

    Specify logical-or match token group. Same as ? marked token in –le option. Next commands are all equivalent.

      greple --le 'foo bar ?yabba ?dabba'
      greple --and foo --and bar --or yabba --or dabba
      greple -e foo -e bar -e 'yabba|dabba'

    Option –or group and each –le pattern makes individual pattern. So

      greple --le '?foo ?yabba' --le '?bar ?dabba' --or baz --or doo

    is same as:

      greple -e 'foo|yabba' -e 'bar|dabba' -e 'baz|doo'
  • –re=pattern

    Specify regular expression. No special treatment for space and wide characters.

  • –fe=pattern

    Specify fixed string pattern, like fgrep.

  • -i, –ignore-case

    Ignore case.

  • –need=n

  • –allow=n

    Option to compromise matching condition. Option –need specifies the required match count, and –allow the number of negative condition to be overlooked.

      greple --need=2 --allow=1 'foo bar baz -yabba -dabba -doo'

    Above command prints the line which contains two or more from foo, bar and baz, and does not include more than one of yabba, dabba or doo.

    Using option –need=1, greple produces same result as grep command.

      grep   -e foo -e bar -e baz
      greple -e foo -e bar -e baz --need=1

    When the count n is negative value, it is subtracted from default value.

    If the option –need=0 is specified and no pattern was found, entire data is printed. This is true even for required pattern.

  • –matchcount=count|min,max, –mc=…

    When option –matchcount is specified, only blocks which have given match count will be shown. Minimum and maximum number can be given, connecting by comma, and they can be omitted. Next commands print lines including semicolons; 3 or more, exactly 3, and 3 or less, respectively.

      greple --matchcount=3, ';' file
      greple --matchcount=3  ';' file
      greple --matchcount=,3 ';' file

    In fact, min and max can repeat to represent multiple range. Missing, negative or zero max means infinite. Next command find match count 0 to 10, 20 to 30, and 40-or-greater.

      greple --matchcount=,10,20,30,40
  • -f file, –file=file

    Specify the file which contains search pattern. When file contains multiple lines, patterns are mixed together by OR context.

    Blank line and the line starting with sharp (#) character is ignored. Two slashes (//) and following string are taken as a comment and removed with preceding spaces.

    When multiple files specified, each file produces individual pattern.

    If the file name is followed by [index] string, it is treated as specified by –select option. Next two commands are equivalent.

      greple -f pattern_file'[1,5:7]'
      greple -f pattern_file --select 1,5:7

    See App::Greple::subst module.

  • –select=index

    When you want to choose specific pattern in the pattern file provided by -f option, use –select option. index is number list separated by comma (,) character and each number is interpreted by Getopt::EX::Numbers module. Take a look at the module document for detail.

    Next command use 1st and 5,6,7th pattern in the file.

      greple -f pattern_file --select 1,5:7


  • -l

    List filename only.

  • -c, –count

    Print count of matched block.

  • -n, –line-number

    Show line number.

  • -h, –no-filename

    Do not display filename.

  • -H

    Display filename always.

  • -o, –only-matching

    Print matched string only. Newline character is printed after matched string if it does not end with newline. Use –no-newline option if you don’t need extra newline.

  • –all

    Print entire file. This option does not affect to seach behavior or block treatment. Just print all contents.

  • -m n[,m], –max-count=n[,m]

    Set the maximum count of blocks to be shown to n.

    Actually n and m are simply passed to perl splice function as offset and length. Works like this:

      greple -m  10      # get first 10 blocks
      greple -m   0,-10  # get last 10 blocks
      greple -m   0,10   # remove first 10 blocks
      greple -m -10      # remove last 10 blocks
      greple -m  10,10   # remove 10 blocks from 10th (10-19)

    This option does not affect to search performance and command exit status.

    Note that grep command also has same option, but it’s behavior is different when invoked to multiple files. greple produces given number of output for each file, while grep takes it as a total number of output.

  • -m *, –max-count=*

    In fact, n and m can repeat as many as possible. Next example removes first 10 blocks (by 0,10), then get first 10 blocks from the result (by 10). Consequently, get 10 blocks from 10th (10-19).

      greple -m 0,10,10

    Next command get first 20 (by 20,) and get last 10 (by ,-10), producing same result. Empty string behaves like absence for length and zero for offset.

      greple -m 20,,,-10
  • -A[n], –after-context[=n]

  • -B[n], –before-context[=n]

  • -C[n], –context[=n]

    Print n-blocks before/after matched string. The value n can be omitted and the default is 2. When used with –paragraph or –block option, n means number of paragraph or block.

    Actually, these options expand the area of logical operation. It means

      greple -C1 'foo bar baz'

    matches following text.



      greple -C1 'foo baz'

    also matches this text, because matching blocks around foo and bar overlaps each other and makes single block.

  • –join

  • –joinby=string

    Convert newline character found in matched string to empty or specified string. Using –join with -o (only-matching) option, you can collect searching sentence list in one per line form. This is sometimes useful for Japanese text processing. For example, next command prints the list of KATAKANA words, including those spread across multiple lines.

      greple -ho --join '\p{InKatakana}+(\n\p{InKatakana}+)*'

    Space separated word sequence can be processed with –joinby option. Next example prints all for *something* pattern in pod documents within Perl script.

      greple -Mperl --pod -ioe '\bfor \w+' --joinby ' '
  • –[no]newline

    Since greple can handle arbitrary blocks other than normal text lines, they sometimes do not end with newline character. Option -o makes similar situation. In that case, extra newline is appended at the end of block to be shown. Option –no-newline disables this behavior.

  • –filestyle=[line,once,separate], –fs

    Default style is line, and greple prints filename at the beginning of each line. Style once prints the filename only once at the first time. Style separate prints filename in the separate line before each line or block.

  • –linestyle=[line,separate], –ls

    Default style is line, and greple prints line numbers at the beginning of each line. Style separate prints line number in the separate line before each line or block.

  • –separate

    Shortcut for –filestyle=separate –linestyle=separate. This is convenient to use block mode search and visiting each location from supporting tool, such as Emacs.

  • –format LABEL=format

    Define the format string of line number (LINE) and file name (FILE) to be displayed. Default is:

      --format LINE='%d:'
      --format FILE='%s:'

    Format string is passed to sprintf function. Tab character can be expressed as \t.

    Next example will show line numbers in five digits with tab space:

      --format LINE='%05d\t'
  • –frame-top=string

  • –frame-middle=string

  • –frame-bottom=string

    Print surrounding frames before and after each block. top frame is printed at the beginning, bottom frame at the end, middle frame between blocks.


  • –glob=pattern

    Get files matches to specified pattern and use them as a target files. Using –chdir and –glob makes easy to use greple for fixed common job.

  • –chdir=directory

    Change directory before processing files. When multiple directories are specified in –chdir option, by using wildcard form or repeating option, –glob file expansion will be done for every directories.

      greple --chdir '/usr/man/man?' --glob '*.[0-9]' ...
  • –readlist

    Get filenames from standard input. Read standard input and use each line as a filename for searching. You can feed the output from other command like find(1) for greple with this option. Next example searches string from files modified within 7 days:

      find . -mtime -7 -print | greple --readlist pattern

    Using find module, this can be done like:

      greple -Mfind . -mtime -7 -- pattern


  • –color=[auto,always,never], –nocolor

    Use terminal color capability to emphasize the matched text. Default is auto: effective when STDOUT is a terminal and option -o is not given, not otherwise. Option value always and never will work as expected.

    Option –nocolor is alias for –color=never.

    When color output is disabled, ANSI terminal sequence is not produced, but functional colormap, such as --cm sub{...}, still works.

  • –colormap=spec

    Specify color map. Because this option is mostly implemented by Getopt::EX::Colormap module, consult its document for detail and up-to-date specification.

    Color specification is combination of single uppercase character representing basic colors, and (usually brighter) alternative colors in lowercase:

      R  r   Red
      G  g   Green
      B  b   Blue
      C  c   Cyan
      M  m   Magenta
      Y  y   Yellow
      K  k   Black
      W  w   White

    or RGB value and 24 grey levels if using ANSI 256 color terminal:

      (255,255,255)      : 24bit decimal RGB colors
      #000000 .. #FFFFFF : 24bit hex RGB colors
      #000    .. #FFF    : 12bit hex RGB 4096 colors
      000 .. 555         : 6x6x6 RGB 216 colors
      L00 .. L25         : Black (L00), 24 grey levels, White (L25)
    Beginning # can be omitted in 24bit RGB notation.
    When values are all same in 24bit or 12bit RGB, it is converted to 24
    grey level, otherwise 6x6x6 216 color.

    or color names enclosed by angle bracket:

      <red> <blue> <green> <cyan> <magenta> <yellow>
      <aliceblue> <honeydue> <hotpink> <mooccasin>

    with other special effects:

      N    None
      Z  0 Zero (reset)
      D  1 Double strike (boldface)
      P  2 Pale (dark)
      I  3 Italic
      U  4 Underline
      F  5 Flash (blink: slow)
      Q  6 Quick (blink: rapid)
      S  7 Stand out (reverse video)
      H  8 Hide (concealed)
      X  9 Cross out
      E    Erase Line
      ;    No effect
      /    Toggle foreground/background
      ^    Reset to foreground

    If the spec includes /, left side is considered as foreground color and right side as background. If multiple colors are given in same spec, all indicators are produced in the order of their presence. As a result, the last one takes effect.

    Effect characters are case insensitive, and can be found anywhere and in any order in color spec string. Character ; does nothing and can be used just for readability, like SD;K/544.


      RGB  6x6x6    12bit      24bit           color name
      ===  =======  =========  =============  ==================
      B    005      #00F       (0,0,255)      <blue>
       /M     /505      /#F0F   /(255,0,255)  /<magenta>
      K/W  000/555  #000/#FFF  000000/FFFFFF  <black>/<white>
      R/G  500/050  #F00/#0F0  FF0000/00FF00  <red>/<green>
      W/w  L03/L20  #333/#ccc  303030/c6c6c6  <dimgrey>/<lightgrey>

    Multiple colors can be specified separating by white space or comma, or by repeating options. Those colors will be applied for each pattern keywords. Next command will show word foo in red, bar in green and baz in blue.

      greple --colormap='R G B' 'foo bar baz'
      greple --cm R -e foo --cm G -e bar --cm B -e baz

    Coloring capability is implemented in Getopt::EX::Colormap module.

  • –colormap=field=spec,…

    Another form of colormap option to specify the color for fields:

      FILE      File name
      LINE      Line number
      TEXT      Unmatched normal text
      BLOCKEND  Block end mark
      PROGRESS  Progress status with -dnf option

    In current release, BLOCKEND mark is colored with E effect recently implemented in Getopt::EX module, which allows to fill up the line with background color. This effect uses irregular escape sequence, and you may need to define LESSANSIENDCHARS environment as “mK” to see the result with less command.

  • –colormap=&func

  • –colormap=sub{...}

    You can also set the name of perl subroutine name or definition to be called handling matched words. Target word is passed as variable $_, and the return value of the subroutine will be displayed.

    Next command convert all words in C comment to upper case.

      greple --all '/\*(?s:.*?)\*/' --cm 'sub{uc}'

    You can quote matched string instead of coloring (this emulates deprecated option –quote):

      greple --cm 'sub{"<".$_.">"}' ...

    It is possible to use this definition with field names. Next example print line numbers in seven digits.

      greple -n --cm 'LINE=sub{s/(\d+)/sprintf("%07d",$1)/e;$_}'

    Experimentally, function can be combined with other normal color specifications. Also the form &func; can be repeated.

      greple --cm 'BF/544;sub{uc}'
      greple --cm 'R;&func1;&func2;&func3'

    When color for ‘TEXT’ field is specified, whole text including matched part is passed to the function, exceptionally. It is not recommended to use user defined function for ‘TEXT’ field.

  • –[no]colorful

    Shortcut for –colormap=’RD GD BD CD MD YD’ in ANSI 16 colors mode, and –colormap=’D/544 D/454 D/445 D/455 D/454 D/554’ and other combination of 3, 4, 5 for 256 colors mode. Enabled by default.

    When single pattern is specified, first color in colormap is used for the pattern. If multiple patterns and multiple colors are specified, each pattern is colored with corresponding color cyclically.

    Option –regioncolor, –uniqcolor and –colorindex change this behavior.

  • –colorindex=spec, –ci=spec

    Specify color index method by combination of spec characters. A (ascend) and D (descend) can be mixed with B (block) and/or S (shuffle) like –ci=ABS. R (random) can be too but it does not make sense. When S is used alone, colormap is shuffled with normal behavior.

    • A (Ascending)

      Apply different color sequentially according to the order of appearance.

    • D (Descending)

      Apply different color sequentially according to the reverse order of appearance.

    • B (Block)

      Reset sequential index on every block.

    • S (Shuffle)

      Shuffle indexed color.

    • R (Random)

      Use random color index every time.

    • N (Normal)

      Reset to normal behavior. Because the last option takes effect, –ci=N can be used to reset the behavior set by previous options.

  • –random

    Shortcut for –colorindex=R.

  • –ansicolor=[16,256,24bit]

    If set as 16, use ANSI 16 colors as a default color set, otherwise ANSI 256 colors. When set as 24bit, 6 hex digits notation produces 24bit color sequence. Default is 256.

  • –[no]256

    Shortcut for –ansicolor=256 or 16.

  • –[no]regioncolor, –[no]rc

    Use different colors for each –inside/outside region.

    Disabled by default, but automatically enabled when only single search pattern is specified. Use –no-regioncolor to cancel automatic action.

  • –[no]uniqcolor, –[no]uc

    Use different colors for different string matched. Disabled by default.

    Next example prints all words start by color and display them all in different colors.

      greple --uniqcolor 'colou?r\w*'

    When used with option -i, color is selected still in case-sensitive fashion. If you want case-insensitive color selection, use next –uniqsub option.

  • –uniqsub=function, –us=function

    Above option –uniqcolor set same color for same literal string. Option –uniqsub specify the preprocessor code applied before comparison. function get matched string by $_ and returns the result. For example, next command will choose unique colors for each word by their length.

      greple --uniqcolor --uniqsub 'sub{length}' '\w+' file

    If you want case-insensitive color selection, do like this.

      greple -i pattern --uc --uniqsub 'sub{lc}'

    Next command read the output from git blame command and set unique color for each entire line by their commit ids.

      git blame ... | greple .+ --uc --us='sub{s/\s.*//r}' --face=E-D
  • –face=[-+]effect

    Set or unset specified effect for all indexed color specs. Use + (optional) to set, and - to unset. Effect is a single character expressing S (Stand-out), U (Underline), D (Double-struck), F (Flash) and such.

    Next example remove D (double-struck) effect.

      greple --face -D

    Multiple effects can be set/unset at once.

      greple --face SF-D


  • -p, –paragraph

    Print a paragraph which contains the pattern. Each paragraph is delimited by two or more successive newlines by default. Be aware that an empty line is not a paragraph delimiter if which contains space characters. Example:

      greple -np 'setuid script' /usr/man/catl/perl.l
      greple -pe '^struct sockaddr' /usr/include/sys/socket.h

    It changes the unit of context specified by -A, -B, -C options. Space gap between paragraphs are also treated as block unit. Thus, option -pC2 will print with previous and next paragraph, while -pC1 will print with just surrounding spaces.

    You can create original paragraph pattern by –border option.

  • –border=pattern

    Specify record block border pattern. Pattern match is done in the context of multiple line mode.

    Default block is a single line and use /^/m as a pattern. Paragraph mode uses /(?:\A|\R)\K\R+/, which means continuous newlines at the beginning of text or following another newline (\R means more general linebreaks including \r\n; consult perlrebackslash for detail).

    Next command treat the data as a series of 10-line unit.

      greple -n --border='(.*\n){1,10}'

    Contrary to the next –block option, –border never produce disjoint records.

    If you want to treat entire file as a single block, setting border to start or end of whole data is efficient way. Next commands works same.

      greple --border '\A'    # beginning of file
      greple --border '\z'    # end of file
  • –block=pattern

  • –block=&sub

    Specify the record block to display. Default block is a single line.

    Empty blocks are ignored. When blocks are not continuous, the match occurred outside blocks are ignored.

    If multiple block options are given, overlapping blocks are merged into a single block.

    Please be aware that this option is sometimes quite time consuming, because it finds all blocks before processing.

  • –blockend=string

    Change the end mark displayed after -pABC or –block options. Default value is “–”.

  • –join-blocks

    Join consecutive blocks together. Logical operation is done for each individual blocks, but if the results are back-to-back connected, make them single block for final output.


  • –inside=pattern

  • –outside=pattern

    Option –inside and –outside limit the text area to be matched. For simple example, if you want to find string and not in the word command, it can be done like this.

      greple --outside=command and

    The block can be larger and expand to multiple lines. Next command searches from C source, excluding comment part.

      greple --outside '(?s)/\*.*?\*/'

    Next command searches only from POD part of the perl script.

      greple --inside='(?s)^=.*?(^=cut|\Z)'

    When multiple inside and outside regions are specified, those regions are mixed up in union way.

    In multiple color environment, and if single keyword is specified, matches in each –inside/outside region is printed in different color. Forcing this operation with multiple keywords, use –regioncolor option.

  • –inside=&function

  • –outside=&function

    If the pattern name begins by ampersand (&) character, it is treated as a name of subroutine which returns a list of blocks. Using this option, user can use arbitrary function to determine from what part of the text they want to search. User defined function can be defined in .greplerc file or by module option.

  • –include=pattern

  • –exclude=pattern

  • –include=&function

  • –exclude=&function

    –include/exclude option behave exactly same as –inside/outside when used alone.

    When used in combination, –include/exclude are mixed in AND manner, while –inside/outside are in OR.

    Thus, in the next example, first line prints all matches, and second does none.

      greple --inside PATTERN --outside PATTERN
      greple --include PATTERN --exclude PATTERN

    You can make up desired matches using –inside/outside option, then remove unnecessary part by –include/exclude

  • –strict

    Limit the match area strictly.

    By default, –block, –inside/outside, –include/exclude option allows partial match within the specified area. For instance,

      greple --inside and command

    matches pattern command because the part of matched string is included in specified inside-area. Partial match fails when option –strict provided, and longer string never matches within shorter area.

    Interestingly enough, above example

      greple --include PATTERN --exclude PATTERN

    produces output, as a matter of fact. Think of the situation searching, say, ' PATTERN ' with this condition. Matched area includes surrounding spaces, and satisfies both conditions partially. This match does not occur when option –strict is given, either.


  • –icode=code

    Target file is assumed to be encoded in utf8 by default. Use this option to set specific encoding. When handling Japanese text, you may choose from 7bit-jis (jis), euc-jp or shiftjis (sjis). Multiple code can be supplied using multiple option or combined code names with space or comma, then file encoding is guessed from those code sets. Use encoding name guess for automatic recognition from default code list which is euc-jp and 7bit-jis. Following commands are all equivalent.

      greple --icode=guess ...
      greple --icode=euc-jp,7bit-jis ...
      greple --icode=euc-jp --icode=7bit-jis ...

    Default code set are always included suspect code list. If you have just one code adding to suspect list, put + mark before the code name. Next example does automatic code detection from euc-kr, ascii, utf8 and UTF-16/32.

      greple --icode=+euc-kr ...

    If the string “binary” is given as encoding name, no character encoding is expected and all files are processed as binary data.

  • –ocode=code

    Specify output code. Default is utf8.


  • –if=filter, –if=EXP:filter

    You can specify filter command which is applied to each file before search. If only one filter command is specified, it is applied to all files. If filter information include colon, first field will be perl expression to check the filename saved in variable $_. If it successes, next filter command is pushed.

      greple --if=rev perg
      greple --if='/\.tar$/:tar tvf -'

    If the command doesn’t accept standard input as processing data, you may be able to use special device:

      greple --if='nm /dev/stdin' crypt /usr/lib/lib*

    Filters for compressed and gzipped file is set by default unless –noif option is given. Default action is like this:

      greple --if='s/\.Z$//:zcat' --if='s/\.g?z$//:gunzip -c'

    File with .gpg suffix is filtered by gpg command. In that case, pass-phrase is asked for each file. If you want to input pass-phrase only once to find from multiple files, use -Mpgp module.

    If the filter start with &, perl subroutine is called instead of external command. You can define the subroutine in .greplerc or modules. Greple simply call the subroutine, so it should be responsible for process control.

  • –noif

    Disable default input filter. Which means compressed files will not be decompressed automatically.

  • –of=filter

  • –of=&func

    Specify output filter which process the output of greple command. Filter command can be specified in multiple times, and they are invoked for each file to be processed. So next command reset the line number for each file.

      greple --of 'cat -n' string file1 file2 ...

    If the filter start with &, perl subroutine is called instead of external command. You can define the subroutine in .greplerc or modules.

    Output filter command is executed only when matched string exists to avoid invoking many unnecessary processes. No effect for option -l and -c.

  • –pf=filter

  • –pf=&func

    Similar to –of filter but invoked just once and takes care of entire output from greple command.


  • –print=function

  • –print=sub{…}

    Specify user defined function executed before data print. Text to be printed is replaced by the result of the function. Arbitrary function can be defined in .greplerc file or module. Matched data is placed in variable $_. Filename is passed by &FILELABEL key, as described later.

    It is possible to use multiple –print options. In that case, second function will get the result of the first function. The command will print the final result of the last function.

  • –continue

    When –print option is given, greple will immediately print the result returned from print function and finish the cycle. Option –continue forces to continue normal printing process after print function called. So please be sure that all data being consistent.

  • –callback=function()

    Callback function is called before printing every matched pattern with four labeled parameters: start, end, index and match, which corresponds to start and end position in the text, pattern index, and the matched string. Matched string in the text is replaced by returned string from the function.

  • –begin=function()

  • –begin=function=

    Option –begin specify the function executed at the beginning of each file processing. This function have to be called from main package. So if you define the function in the module package, use the full package name or export properly.

    If the function dies with a message starting with a word “SKIP” (/^SKIP/i), that file is simply skipped. So you can control if the file is to be processed using the file name or content. To see the message, use –warn begin=1 option.

    For example, using next function, only perl related files will be processed.

      sub is_perl {
          my %arg = @_;
          my $name = delete $arg{&FILELABEL} or die;
          $name =~ /\.(?:pm|pl|PL|pod)$/ or /\A#!.*\bperl/
              or die "skip $name\n";
      option default --filestyle=once --format FILE='\n%s:\n'
      autoload -Mdig --dig
      option --perl $<move> --begin &__PACKAGE__::is_perl --dig .
  • –end=function()

  • –end=function=

    Option –end is almost same as –begin, except that the function is called after the file processing.

  • –prologue=function()

  • –prologue=function=

  • –epilogue=function()

  • –epilogue=function=

    Option –prologue and –epilogue specify functions called before and after processing. During the execution, file is not opened and therefore, file name is not given to those functions.

  • -Mmodule::function(…)

  • -Mmodule::function=…

    Function can be given with module option, following module name. In this form, the function will be called with module package name. So you don’t have to export it. Because it is called only once at the beginning of command execution, before starting file processing, FILELABEL parameter is not given exceptionally.

For these run-time functions, optional argument list can be set in the form of key or key=value, connected by comma. These arguments will be passed to the function in key => value list. Sole key will have the value one. Also processing file name is passed with the key of FILELABEL constant. As a result, the option in the next form:

--begin function(key1,key2=val2)
--begin function=key1,key2=val2

will be transformed into following function call:

function(&FILELABEL => "filename", key1 => 1, key2 => "val2")

As described earlier, FILELABEL parameter is not given to the function specified with module option. So


simply becomes:

function(key1 => 1, key2 => "val2")

The function can be defined in .greplerc or modules. Assign the arguments into hash, then you can access argument list as member of the hash. It’s safe to delete FILELABEL key if you expect random parameter is given. Content of the target file can be accessed by $_. Ampersand (&) is required to avoid the hash key is interpreted as a bare word.

sub function {
    my %arg = @_;
    my $filename = delete $arg{&FILELABEL};
    $arg{key1};             # 1
    $arg{key2};             # "val2"
    $_;                     # contents


  • –usage[=expand]

    Greple print usage and exit with option –usage, or no valid parameter is not specified. In this case, module option is displayed with help information if available. If you want to see how they are expanded, supply something not empty to –usage option, like:

      greple -Mmodule --usage=expand
  • –exit=number

    When greple executed normally, it exit with status 0 or 1 depending on something matched or not. Sometimes we want to get status 0 even if nothing matched. This option set the status code for normal execution. It still exits with non-zero status when error occurred.

  • –man, –doc

    Show manual page. Display module’s manual page when used with -M option.

  • –show, –less

    Show module file contents. Use with -M option.

  • –path

    Show module file path. Use with -M option.

  • –norc

    Do not read startup file: ~/.greplerc. This option have to be placed before any other options including -M module options. Setting GREPLE_NORC environment have same effect.

  • –conceal type=val

    Use following –warn option in reverse context. This option remains for backward compatibility and will be deprecated in the near future.

  • –persist

    Same as –error=retry. It may be deprecated in the future.

  • –error=action

    As greple tries to read data as a character string, sometimes fails to convert them into internal representation, and the file is skipped without processing by default. This works fine to skip binary data. (skip)

    Also sometimes encounters code mapping error due to character encoding. In this case, reading the file as a binary data helps to produce meaningful output. (retry)

    This option specifies the action when data read error occurred.

    • skip

      Skip the file. Default.

    • retry

      Retry reading the file as a binary data.

    • fatal

      Abort the operation.

    • ignore

      Ignore error and continue to read anyway.

    You may occasionally want to find text in binary data. Next command will work like string(1) command.

      greple -o --re '(?a)\w{4,}' --error=retry --uc /bin/*

    If you want read all files as binary data, use –icode=binary instead.

  • -w, –warn type=[0,1]

    Control runtime message mainly about file operation related to –error option. Repeatable. Value is optional and 1 is assumed when omitted. So -wall option is same as -wall=1 and enables all messages, and -wall=0 disables all.

    Types are:

    • read

      (Default 0) Errors occurred during file read. Mainly unicode related errors when reading binary or ambiguous text file.

    • skip

      (Default 1) File skip message.

    • retry

      (Default 0) File retry message.

    • begin

      (Default 0) When –begin function died with /^SKIP/i message, the file is skipped without any notice. Enables this to see the dying message.

    • all

      Set same value for all types.

  • –alert [ size=#, time=# ]

    Set alert parameter for large file. Greple scans whole file content to know line borders, and it takes several seconds or more if it contains large number of lines.

    By default, if the target file contains more than 512 * 1024 characters (size), 2 seconds timer will start (time). Alert message is shown when the timer expired.

    To disable this alert, set the size as zero:

      --alert size=0
  • -Mdebug, -dx

    Debug option is described in App::Greple::debug module.



    Environment variable GREPLEOPTS is used as a default options. They are inserted before command line options.


    If set non-empty string, startup file ~/.greplerc is not processed.


    Enable Getopt::Long debug option.


    Enable Getopt::EX debug option.


    If true, all coloring capability with ANSI terminal sequence is disabled. See https://no-color.org/.

Before starting execution, greple reads the file named .greplerc on user’s home directory. Following directives can be used.

  • option name string

    Argument name of option directive is user defined option name. The rest are processed by shellwords routine defined in Text::ParseWords module. Be sure that this module sometimes requires escape backslashes.

    Any kind of string can be used for option name but it is not combined with other options.

      option --fromcode --outside='(?s)\/\*.*?\*\/'
      option --fromcomment --inside='(?s)\/\*.*?\*\/'

    If the option named default is defined, it will be used as a default option.

    For the purpose to include following arguments within replaced strings, two special notations can be used in option definition. String $<n> is replaced by the _n_th argument after the substituted option, where n is number start from one. String $<shift> is replaced by following command line argument and the argument is removed from option list.

    For example, when

      option --line --le &line=$<shift>

    is defined, command

      greple --line 10,20-30,40

    will be evaluated as this:

      greple --le &line=10,20-30,40
  • expand name string

    Define local option name. Command expand is almost same as command option in terms of its function. However, option defined by this command is expanded in, and only in, the process of definition, while option definition is expanded when command arguments are processed.

    This is similar to string macro defined by following define command. But macro expansion is done by simple string replacement, so you have to use expand to define option composed by multiple arguments.

  • define name string

    Define macro. This is similar to option, but argument is not processed by shellwords and treated just a simple text, so meta-characters can be included without escape. Macro expansion is done for option definition and other macro definition. Macro is not evaluated in command line option. Use option directive if you want to use in command line,

      define (#kana) \p{InKatakana}
      option --kanalist --nocolor -o --join --re '(#kana)+(\n(#kana)+)*'
      help   --kanalist List up Katakana string
  • help name

    If help directive is used for same option name, it will be printed in usage message. If the help message is ignore, corresponding line won’t show up in the usage.

  • builtin spec variable

    Define built-in option which should be processed by option parser. Arguments are assumed to be Getopt::Long style spec, and variable is string start with $, @ or %. They will be replaced by a reference to the object which the string represent.

    See pgp module for example.

  • autoload module options

    Define module which should be loaded automatically when specified option is found in the command arguments.

    For example,

      autoload -Mdig --dig --git

    replaces option “--dig” to “-Mdig --dig”, so that dig module is loaded before processing --dig option.

Environment variable substitution is done for string specified by option and define directives. Use Perl syntax $ENV{NAME} for this purpose. You can use this to make a portable module.

When greple found __PERL__ line in .greplerc file, the rest of the file is evaluated as a Perl program. You can define your own subroutines which can be used by –inside/outside, –include/exclude, –block options.

For those subroutines, file content will be provided by global variable $_. Expected response from the subroutine is the list of array references, which is made up by start and end offset pairs.

For example, suppose that the following function is defined in your .greplerc file. Start and end offset for each pattern match can be taken as array element $-[0] and $+[0].

sub odd_line {
    my @list;
    my $i;
    while (/.*\n/g) {
        push(@list, [ $-[0], $+[0] ]) if ++$i % 2;

You can use next command to search pattern included in odd number lines.

% greple --inside '&odd_line' pattern files...


You can expand the greple command using module. Module files are placed at App/Greple/ directory in Perl library, and therefor has App::Greple::module package name.

In the command line, module have to be specified preceding any other options in the form of -Mmodule. However, it also can be specified at the beginning of option expansion.

If the package name is declared properly, __DATA__ section in the module file will be interpreted same as .greplerc file content. So you can declare the module specific options there. Functions declared in the module can be used from those options, it makes highly expandable option/programming interaction possible.

Using -M without module argument will print available module list. Option –man will display module document when used with -M option. Use –show option to see the module itself. Option –path will print the path of module file.

See this sample module code. This sample defines options to search from pod, comment and other segment in Perl script. Those capability can be implemented both in function and macro.

package App::Greple::perl;

use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT      = qw(pod comment podcomment);
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( );
our @EXPORT_OK   = qw();

use App::Greple::Common;
use App::Greple::Regions;

my $pod_re = qr{^=\w+(?s:.*?)(?:\Z|^=cut\s*\n)}m;
my $comment_re = qr{^(?:[ \t]*#.*\n)+}m;

sub pod {
    match_regions(pattern => $pod_re);
sub comment {
    match_regions(pattern => $comment_re);
sub podcomment {
    match_regions(pattern => qr/$pod_re|$comment_re/);



define :comment: ^(\s*#.*\n)+
define :pod: ^=(?s:.*?)(?:\Z|^=cut\s*\n)

#option --pod --inside :pod:
#option --comment --inside :comment:
#option --code --outside :pod:|:comment:

option --pod --inside '&pod'
option --comment --inside '&comment'
option --code --outside '&podcomment'

You can use the module like this:

greple -Mperl --pod default greple

greple -Mperl --colorful --code --comment --pod default greple

If special subroutine initialize() and finalize() are defined in the module, they are called at the beginning with Getopt::EX::Module object as a first argument. Second argument is the reference to @ARGV, and you can modify actual @ARGV using it. See App::Greple::find module as an example.

Calling sequence is like this. See Getopt::EX::Module for detail.

1) Call initialize()
2) Call function given in -Mmod::func() style
3) Call finalize()


Most capability of greple is derived from mg command, which has been developing from early 1990’s by the same author. Because modern standard grep family command becomes to have similar capabilities, it is a time to clean up entire functionalities, totally remodel the option interfaces, and change the command name. (2013.11)


grep(1), perl(1)

App::Greple, https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple

Getopt::EX, https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/Getopt-EX


Kazumasa Utashiro


Copyright 1991-2022 Kazumasa Utashiro

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

3 - greple -Mdebug

Greple module for debug control


debug - Greple module for debug control


greple -dmc

greple -Mdebug

greple -Mdebug::on(getoptex)

greple -Mdebug::on=getoptex


Enable debug mode for specified target. Currently, following targets are available.

getoptex         Getopt::EX
getopt           Getopt::Long
color       -dc  Color information
directory   -dd  Change directory information
file        -df  Show search file names
number      -dn  Show number of processing files
match       -dm  Match pattern
option      -do  Show command option processing
process     -dp  Exec ps command before exit
stat        -ds  Show statistic information
grep        -dg  Show grep internal state
filter      -dF  Show filter informaiton
unused      -du  Show unused 1-char option name

When used without function call, default target is enabled; currently getoptex and option.

$ greple -Mdebug

Specify required target with on function like:

$ greple -Mdebug::on(color,match,option)

$ greple -Mdebug::on=color,match,option

Calling debug::on=all enables all targets, except unused and number.

Target name marked with -dx can be enabled in that form. Following commands are all equivalent.

$ greple -Mdebug::on=color,match,option

$ greple -dc -dm -do

$ greple -dcmo


Next command will show how the module option is processed in Getopt::EX module.

$ greple -Mdebug::on=getoptex,option -Mdig something --dig .

4 - greple -Mcolors

Greple module for various colormap


colors - Greple module for various colormap


greple -Mcolors


  • –light

    For light terminal. Same as a default.

  • –dark

    For dark terminal.

  • –grey24

  • –grey24-bg

    24 level grey scales.

  • –solarized

  • –solarized-fg

  • –solarized-bg

    Solarized colors. –solarized is same as –solarized-fg.

  • –git-color-blame

    Colorize git-blame(1) command output.



5 - greple -Mfind

Greple module to use find command


find - Greple module to use find command


greple -Mfind find-options – greple-options …


Provide find command option with ending --.

Greple will invoke find command with provided options and read its output from STDIN, with option –readlist. So

greple -Mfind . -type f -- pattern

is equivalent to:

find . -type f | greple --readlist pattern

If the first argument start with !, it is taken as a command name and executed in place of find. You can search git managed files like this:

greple -Mfind !git ls-files -- pattern





6 - greple -Mdig

Greple module for recursive search


dig - Greple module for recursive search


greple -Mdig pattern –dig directories …

greple -Mdig pattern –git …


Option –dig searches all files under specified directories. Since it takes all following arguments, place at the end of all options.

It is possible to specify AND condition after directories, in find option format. Next command will search all C source files under the current directory.

$ greple -Mdig pattern --dig . -name *.c

$ greple -Mdig pattern --dig . ( -name *.c -o -name *.h )

If more compilicated file filtering is required, combine with -Mselect module.

You can use –dig option without module declaration by setting it as autoload module in your ~/.greplerc.

autoload -Mdig --dig --git

Use –git-r to search submodules recursively.


  • –dig directories find-option

    Specify at the end of greple options, because all the rest is taken as option for find(1) command.

  • –git ls-files-option

    Search files under git control. Specify at the end of greple options, because all the rest is taken as option for git-ls-files(1) command.

  • –git-r ls-files-option

    Short cut for –git –recurse-submodules.




find(1), git-ls-files(1)

7 - greple -Mselect

Greple module to select files


select - Greple module to select files


greple -Mdig -Mselect … –dig .

  --suffix         file suffixes
  --select-name    regex match for file name
  --select-path    regex match for file path
  --x-suffix       exclusive version of --suffix         
  --x-select-name  exclusive version of --select-name
  --x-select-path  exclusive version of --select-path

  --shebang        included in #! line
  --select-data    regex match for file data
  --x-shebang      exclusive version of --shebang        
  --x-select-data  exclusive version of --select-data


Greple’s -Mselect module allows to filter files using their name and content data. It is usually supposed to be used along with -Mfind or -Mdig module.

For example, next command scan files end with .pl and .pm under current directory.

greple -Mdig -Mselect --suffix=pl,pm foobar --dig .

This is almost equivalent to the next command using –dig option with extra conditional expression for find command.

greple -Mdig foobar --dig . -name '*.p[lm]'

The problems is that the above command does not search perl command script without suffixes. Next command looks for both files looking at #! (shebang) line.

greple -Mdig -Mselect --suffix=pl,pm --shebang perl foobar --dig .

Generic option –select-name, –select-path and –select-data take regular expression and works for arbitrary use.


Besides normal inclusive rules, there is exclusive rules which start with –x- option name.

As for the order of rules, all exclusive rules are checked first, then inclusive rules are applied.

When no rules are matched, default action is taken. If no inclusive rule exists, it is selected. Otherwise discarded.



  • –suffix=xx,yy,zz …

    Specify one or more file name suffixes connecting by comma (,). They will be converted to /\.(xx|yy|zz)$/ expression and compared to the file name.

  • –select-name=regex

    Specify regular expression and it is compared to the file name. Next command search Makefiles under any directory.

      greple -Mselect --select-name '^Makefile.*'
  • –select-path=regex

    Specify regular expression and it is compared to the file path.

  • –x-suffix=xx,yy,zz …

  • –x-select-name=regex

  • –x-select-path=regex

    These are reverse version of corresponding options. File is not selected when matched.


  • –shebang=aa,bb,cc

    This option test if a given string is included in the first line of the file start with #! (aka shebang) mark. Multiple names can be specified connecting by command (,). Given string is converted to the next regular expression:

      /\A #! .*\b (aa|bb|cc)/x
  • –select-data=regex

    Specify regular expression and it is compared to the file content data.

  • –x-shebang=aa,bb,cc

  • –x-select-data=regex

    These are reverse version of corresponding options. File is not selected when matched.

8 - greple -Mxp

extended pattern module

Actions Status MetaCPAN Release


App::Greple::xp - extended pattern module


Version 0.04


greple -Mxp


This module provides functions those can be used by greple pattern and region options.


  • –le-pattern file

  • –inside-pattern file

  • –outside-pattern file

  • –include-pattern file

  • –exclude-pattern file

    Read file contents and use each lines as a pattern for options.

  • –le-string file

  • –inside-string file

  • –outside-string file

  • –include-string file

  • –exclude-string file

    Almost same as *-pattern option but each line is concidered as a fixed string rather than regular expression.


You can insert comment lines in pattern file. As for fixed string file, there is no way to write comment.

Lines start with hash mark (#) is ignored as a comment line.

String after double slash (//) is also ignored with preceding spaces.


Because file parameter is globbed, you can use wild card to give multiple files. If nothing matched to the wild card, this option is simply ignored with no message.

$ greple -Mxp --exclude-pattern '*.exclude' ...





Kazumasa Utashiro


Copyright 2019- Kazumasa Utashiro.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

9 - greple -Mgit

Greple git module

Actions Status MetaCPAN Release


git - Greple git module


greple -Mgit ...


App::Greple::git is a greple module to handle git output.


  • –color-blame-line, –color-blame

  • –color-blame-label

    Read git-blame(1) output and apply unique color for each commit id. Option –color-blame and –color-blame-line colorize whole line, while –color-blame-label does only labels.

    Set $HOME/.gitconfig like this:

          blame = greple -Mgit --color-blame-line | env LESSANSIENDCHARS=mK less -cR


  • LESS


    Since greple produces ANSI Erase Line terminal sequence, it is convenient to set less command understand them.




$ cpanm App::Greple::git



App::sdif: git diff support


Kazumasa Utashiro


Copyright 2021-2022 Kazumasa Utashiro.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

10 - greple -Mframe

Greple frame output module

Actions Status MetaCPAN Release


App::Greple::frame - Greple frame output module


greple -Mframe –frame …


Greple -Mframe module provide a capability to put surrounding frames for each blocks.

top, middle and bottom frames are printed for blocks.

By default –join-blocks option is enabled to collect consecutive lines into a single block. If you don’t like this, override it by –no-join-blocks option.


  • –frame

    Set frame and fold long lines with frame-friendly prefix string. Folding width is taken from the terminal. Or you can specify the width by calling set function with module option.

  • –set-frame-width=#

    Set frame width. You have to put this option before –frame option. See set function in “FUNCTION” section.


  • set(width=n)

    Set terminal width to n. Use like this:

      greple -Mframe::set(width=80) ...
      greple -Mframe::set=width=80 ...

    If non-digit character is found in the value part, it is considered as a Reverse Polish Notation, starting terminal width pushed on the stack. RPN 2/3- means terminal-width / 2 - 3.

    You can use like this:

      greple -Mframe::set=width=2/3- --frame --uc '(\w+::)+\w+' --git | ansicolumn -PC2





Kazumasa Utashiro


Copyright 2022 Kazumasa Utashiro.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

11 - greple -Mupdate

Greple module to update file content

Actions Status MetaCPAN Release


update - Greple module to update file content


greple -Mupdate


--update       replace file content
--with-backup  make backup files

--diff         produce diff output
--U#           specify unified diff context length


Version 0.03


This greple module substitute the target file content by command output. For example, next command replace all words in the file to uppercase.

greple -Mupdate '\w+' --cm 'sub{uc}' --update file

Above is a very simple example but you can implement arbitrarily complex function in conjunction with other various greple options.

You can check how the file will be edited by –diff option.

greple -Mupdate '\w+' --cm 'sub{uc}' --diff file

Command sdif or cdif would be useful to see the difference visually.

greple -Mupdate '\w+' --cm 'sub{uc}' --diff file | cdif

This module has been spun off from App::Greple::subst module. Consult it for more practical use case.


  • –update

  • –update::update

    Update the target file by command output. Entire file content is produced and any color effects are canceled. Without this option, greple behaves as normal operation, that means only matched lines are printed.

    File is not touched as far as its content does not change.

  • –with-backup[=suffix]

    Backup original file with .bak suffix. If optional parameter is given, it is used as a suffix string. If the file exists, .bak_1, .bak_2 … are used.

  • –diff

  • –update::diff

    Option -diff produce diff output of original and converted text. Option -U# can be used to specify context length.



$ cpanm App::Greple::update


$ cpanm https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple-update.git


App::Greple, https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple

App::Greple::update, https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple-update

App::Greple::subst, https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple-subst

App::sdif, App::cdif


Kazumasa Utashiro


Copyright 2022 Kazumasa Utashiro.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

12 - greple -Msubst

Greple module for text search and substitution

Actions Status MetaCPAN Release


subst - Greple module for text search and substitution


Version 2.3104


greple -Msubst –dict dictionary [ options ]

  --dict      dictionary file
  --dictdata  dictionary data


File Update:
  --diffcmd command


This greple module supports check and substitution of text files based on dictionary data.

Dictionary file is given by –dict option and each line contains matching pattern and expected string pairs.

greple -Msubst --dict DICT

If the dictionary file contains following data:

colou?r      color
cent(er|re)  center

above command finds the first pattern which does not match the second string, that is “colour” and “centre” in this case.

Field // in dictionary data is ignored, so this file can be written like this:

colou?r      //  color
cent(er|re)  //  center

You can use same file by greple’s -f option and string after // is ignored as a comment in that case.

greple -f DICT ...

Option –dictdata can be used to provide dictionary data in command line.

greple --dictdata $'colou?r color\ncent(er|re) center\n'

Dictionary entry starting with a sharp sign (#) is a comment and ignored.

Overlapped pattern

When the matched string is same or shorter than previously matched string by another pattern, it is simply ignored (–no-warn-include by default). So, if you have to declare conflicted patterns, place the longer pattern earlier.

If the matched string overlaps with previously matched string, it is warned (–warn-overlap by default) and ignored.

Terminal color

This version uses Getopt::EX::termcolor module. It sets option –light-screen or –dark-screen depending on the terminal on which the command run, or TERM_BGCOLOR environment variable.

Some terminals (eg: “Apple_Terminal” or “iTerm”) are detected automatically and no action is required. Otherwise set TERM_BGCOLOR environment to #000000 (black) to #FFFFFF (white) digit depending on terminal background color.


  • –dict=file

    Specify dictionary file.

  • –dictdata=data

    Specify dictionary data by text.

  • –check=outstand|ng|ok|any|all|none

    Option –check takes argument from ng, ok, any, outstand, all and none.

    With default value outstand, command will show information about both expected and unexpected words only when unexpected word was found in the same file.

    With value ng, command will show information about unexpected words. With value ok, you will get information about expected words. Both with value any.

    Value all and none make sense only when used with –stat option, and display information about never matched pattern.

  • –select=N

    Select _N_th entry from the dictionary. Argument is interpreted by Getopt::EX::Numbers module. Range can be defined like –select=1:3,7:9. You can get numbers by –stat option.

  • –linefold

    If the target data is folded in the middle of text, use –linefold option. It creates regex patterns which matches string spread across lines. Substituted text does not include newline, though. Because it confuses regex behavior somewhat, avoid to use if possible.

  • –stat

  • –with-stat

    Print statistical information. Works with –check option.

    Option –with-stat print statistics after normal output, while –stat print only statistics.

  • –stat-style=default|dict

    Using –stat-style=dict option with –stat and –check=any, you can get dictionary style output for your working document.

  • –stat-item item=[0,1]

    Specify which item is shown up in stat information. Default values are:


    If you don’t need to see pattern field, use like this:

      --stat-item match=0

    Multiple parameters can be set at once:

      --stat-item match=number=0,ng=1,ok=1
  • –subst

    Substitute unexpected matched pattern to expected string. Newline character in the matched string is ignored. Pattern without replacement string is not changed.

  • –[no-]warn-overlap

    Warn overlapped pattern. Default on.

  • –[no-]warn-include

    Warn included pattern. Default off.


  • –diff

  • –diffcmd=command

    Option –diff produce diff output of original and converted text.

    Specify diff command name used by –diff option. Default is “diff -u”.

  • –create

    Create new file and write the result. Suffix “.new” is appended to original filename.

  • –replace

    Replace the target file by converted result. Original file is renamed to backup name with “.bak” suffix.

  • –overwrite

    Overwrite the target file by converted result with no backup.


This module includes example dictionaries. They are installed share directory and accessed by –exdict option.

greple -Msubst --exdict jtca-katakana-guide-3.dict
  • –exdict dictionary

    Use dictionary flie in the distribution as a dictionary file.

  • –exdictdir

    Show dictionary directory.

  • –exdict jtca-katakana-guide-3.dict

  • –jtca-katakana-guide

    Created from following guideline document.

      外来語(カタカナ)表記ガイドライン 第3版
      Japan Technical Communicators Association
  • –jtca

    Customized –jtca-katakana-guide. Original dictionary is automatically generated from published data. This dictionary is customized for practical use.

  • –exdict jtf-style-guide-3.dict

  • –jtf-style-guide

    Created from following guideline document.

      一般社団法人 日本翻訳連盟(JTF)
  • –jtf

    Customized –jtf-style-guide. Original dictionary is automatically generated from published data. This dictionary is customized for practical use.

  • –exdict sccc2.dict

  • –sccc2

    Dictionary used for “C/C++ セキュアコーディング 第2版” published in 2014.

  • –exdict ms-style-guide.dict

  • –ms-style-guide

    Dictionary generated from Microsoft localization style guide.


    Data is generated from this article:

  • –microsoft

    Customized –ms-style-guide. Original dictionary is automatically generated from published data. This dictionary is customized for practical use.

    Amendment dictionary can be found here. Please raise an issue or send a pull-request if you have request to update.


This module is originaly made for Japanese text editing support.


Japanese KATAKANA word have a lot of variants to describe same word, so unification is important but it’s quite tiresome work. In the next example,

イ[エー]ハトー?([ヴブボ]ォ?)  //  イーハトーヴォ

left pattern matches all following words.


This module helps to detect and correct them.



$ cpanm App::Greple::subst






https://www.jtf.jp/jp/style_guide/styleguide_top.html, https://www.jtf.jp/jp/style_guide/pdf/jtf_style_guide.pdf

https://www.microsoft.com/ja-jp/language/styleguides, https://www.atmarkit.co.jp/news/200807/25/microsoft.html

文化庁 国語施策・日本語教育 国語施策情報 内閣告示・内閣訓令 外来語の表記




Kazumasa Utashiro


Copyright 2017-2022 Kazumasa Utashiro.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

13 - greple -Msubst-desumasu

Japanese DESU/MASU dictionary for App::Greple::subst

Actions Status MetaCPAN Release


App::Greple::subst::desumasu - Japanese DESU/MASU dictionary for App::Greple::subst


greple -Msubst::desumasu --dearu --subst --all file

greple -Msubst::desumasu --dearu --diff file

greple -Msubst::desumasu --dearu --replace file


greple -Msubst module based on desumasu-converter.

This is a simple checker/converter module for Japanese writing style so called DUSU/MASU (ですます調: 敬体) and DEARU (である調: 常体). This is not my own idea and the dictionary is based on https://github.com/kssfilo/desumasu-converter.

See article https://kanasys.com/tech/722 for detail.


  • –dearu

  • –dearu-n

  • –dearu-N

    Convert DESU/MASU to DEARU style.

    DESU (です) and MASU (ます) sometimes followed by NE (ね) in frank situation, and that NE (ね) is removed from converted result by default. Option with -n keep that NE (ね), and option with -N igonore them.

  • –desumasu

  • –desumasu-n

  • –desumasu-N

    Convert DEARU to DESU/MASU style.

Use them with greple -Msubst options.

  • –subst –all –no-color

    Print converted text.

  • –diff

    Produce diff output of original and converted text. Use cdif command in App::sdif to visualize the difference.

  • –create

  • –replace

  • –overwrite

    To update the file, use these options. Option –create make new file with .new suffix. Option –replace update the target file with backup, while option –overwrite does without backup.

See App::Greple::subst for other options.



From CPAN:

cpanm App::Greple::subst::desumasu

From GIT repository:

cpanm https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple-subst-desumasu.git


App::Greple, App::Greple::subst


https://github.com/kssfilo/desumasu-converter, https://kanasys.com/tech/722

greple で「ですます調」を「である化」する


Kazumasa Utashiro


Copyright 2021-2022 Kazumasa Utashiro.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

14 - greple -Mtype

file type filter module for greple

Actions Status MetaCPAN Release


App::Greple::type - file type filter module for greple


greple -Mdig -Mtype --type-xxxx ... --dig .


This module filters search target files by given rule. It is convenient to use with other greple module which support recursive or multi-file search such as -Mfind, -Mdig or -Mgit.

For example, option for Perl is defined as this:

option --type-perl \
       --suffix=pl,PL,pm,pod,t,psgi \

Using this option, only files those name end with –suffix option or files which contains string perl in the first #! (shebang) line will be searched.

Option –suffix and –shebang are defined in App::Greple::select module.


Calling module as -Mtype::config(short) or -Mtype::config=short introduce short name for rule options. When short name mode is activated, all –type-xxxx options can be used as –xxxx as well.


option --type-actionscript  --suffix=as,mxml
option --type-ada           --suffix=ada,adb,ads
option --type-asm           --suffix=asm,s
option --type-asp           --suffix=asp
option --type-aspx          --suffix=master,ascx,asmx,aspx,svc
option --type-batch         --suffix=bat,cmd
option --type-cc            --suffix=c,h,xs
option --type-cfmx          --suffix=cfc,cfm,cfml
option --type-clojure       --suffix=clj
option --type-cmake         --suffix=cmake --select-name=^CMakeLists.txt$
option --type-coffeescript  --suffix=coffee
option --type-cpp           --suffix=cpp,cc,cxx,m,hpp,hh,h,hxx,c++,h++
option --type-csharp        --suffix=cs
option --type-css           --suffix=css
option --type-dart          --suffix=dart
option --type-delphi        --suffix=pas,int,dfm,nfm,dof,dpk,dproj,groupproj,bdsgroup,bdsproj
option --type-elisp         --suffix=el
option --type-elixir        --suffix=ex,exs
option --type-erlang        --suffix=erl,hrl
option --type-fortran       --suffix=f,f77,f90,f95,f03,for,ftn,fpp
option --type-go            --suffix=go
option --type-groovy        --suffix=groovy,gtmpl,gpp,grunit,gradle
option --type-haskell       --suffix=hs,lhs
option --type-hh            --suffix=h
option --type-html          --suffix=htm,html
option --type-java          --suffix=java,properties
option --type-js            --suffix=js
option --type-json          --suffix=json
option --type-jsp           --suffix=jsp,jspx,jhtm,jhtml
option --type-less          --suffix=less
option --type-lisp          --suffix=lisp,lsp
option --type-lua           --suffix=lua --shebng=lua
option --type-markdown      --suffix=md
option --type-md            --type-markdown
option --type-make          --suffix=mak,mk --select-name=^(GNUmakefile|Makefile|makefile)$
option --type-matlab        --suffix=m
option --type-objc          --suffix=m,h
option --type-objcpp        --suffix=mm,h
option --type-ocaml         --suffix=ml,mli
option --type-parrot        --suffix=pir,pasm,pmc,ops,pod,pg,tg
option --type-perl          --suffix=pl,PL,pm,pod,t,psgi --shebang=perl
option --type-perltest      --suffix=t
option --type-php           --suffix=php,phpt,php3,php4,php5,phtml --shebang=php
option --type-plone         --suffix=pt,cpt,metadata,cpy,py
option --type-python        --suffix=py --shebang=python
option --type-rake          --select-name=^Rakefile$
option --type-rr            --suffix=R
option --type-ruby          --suffix=rb,rhtml,rjs,rxml,erb,rake,spec \
                            --select-name=^Rakefile$ --shebang=ruby
option --type-rust          --suffix=rs
option --type-sass          --suffix=sass,scss
option --type-scala         --suffix=scala
option --type-scheme        --suffix=scm,ss
option --type-shell         --suffix=sh,bash,csh,tcsh,ksh,zsh,fish \
option --type-smalltalk     --suffix=st
option --type-sql           --suffix=sql,ctl
option --type-tcl           --suffix=tcl,itcl,itk
option --type-tex           --suffix=tex,cls,sty
option --type-tt            --suffix=tt,tt2,ttml
option --type-vb            --suffix=bas,cls,frm,ctl,vb,resx
option --type-verilog       --suffix=v,vh,sv
option --type-vim           --suffix=vim
option --type-xml           --suffix=xml,dtd,xsl,xslt,ent --select-data='\A.*<[?]xml'
option --type-yaml          --suffix=yaml,yml


This module is inspired by App::Gre command, and original matching rule is taken from it.

Filename matching can be done with -Mfind module, but to know file type from its content, different mechanism was required. So I made the –begin function can die to stop the file processing, and introduced new -Mselect module.


App::Greple, App::Greple::select



Kazumasa Utashiro


Copyright 2021-2022 Kazumasa Utashiro.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

15 - greple -Mmsdoc

Greple module for access MS office docx/pptx/xlsx documents

Actions Status MetaCPAN Release


msdoc - Greple module for access MS office docx/pptx/xlsx documents


Version 1.06


greple -Mmsdoc pattern example.docx


This module makes it possible to search string in Microsoft docx/pptx/xlsx file.

Microsoft document consists of multiple files archived in zip format. String information is stored in “word/document.xml”, “ppt/slides/*.xml” or “xl/sharedStrings.xml”. This module extracts these data and replaces the search target.

By default, text part from XML data is extracted. This process is done by very simple method and may include redundant information.

Strings are simply connected into paragraph for .docx and .pptx document. For .xlsx document, single space is inserted between them. Use –separator option to change this behavior.

After every paragraph, single newline is inserted for .pptx and .xlsx file, and double newlines for .docx file. Use –space option to change.


  • –dump

    Simply print all converted data. Additional pattern can be specified, and they will be highlighted inside whole text.

      $ greple -Mmsdoc --dump -e foo -e bar buz.docx
  • –space=n

    Specify number of newlines inserted after every paragraph. Any non-negative integer is allowed including zero.

  • –separator=string

    Specify the separator string placed between each component strings.

  • –indent

    Extract indented XML document, not a plain text.

  • –indent-mark=string

    Set indentation string. Default is | .



cpanm App::Greple::msdoc


App::Greple, https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple

App::Greple::msdoc, https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple-msdoc

App::optex::textconv, https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/optex-textconv


Kazumasa Utashiro


Copyright 2018-2022 Kazumasa Utashiro.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

16 - greple -Mwordle

wordle module for greple

Actions Status MetaCPAN Release


App::Greple::wordle - wordle module for greple


greple -Mwordle


App::Greple::wordle is a greple module which implements wordle game. Correctness is checked by regular expression.

Rule is almost same as the original game but answer is different. Use –compat option to get compatible answer.


  • –series=#, -s#

  • –compat

    Choose different series of answer. Default 1. Series zero is same as the original game and option –compat is a short cut for –series=0. If it is not zero, original answer word set is shuffled by pseudo random numbers using series number as an initial seed.

  • –index=#, -n#

    Specify index. Default index is calculated from days from 2021/06/19. If the value is negative and you can get yesterday’s question by giving -1.

    Answer for option -s0n0 is cigar.

  • [no-]result

    Show result when succeeded. Default true.

  • –random

    Generate random index every time.

  • –trial=#, -x=#

    Set trial count. Default 6.


Five letter word is processed as an answer. Some other input is taken as a command.

  • h, hint

    List possible words.

  • u, uniq

    List possible words made of unique characters.

  • =chars

    If start with equal (=), list words which include all of chars.

  • !chars

    If start with exclamation mark (!), list words which does not include any of chars.

  • regex

    Any other string include non-alphabetical character is taken as a regular expression to filter words.

  • !!

    Get word list produced by the last command execution.

These commands can be connected in series. For example, next command show possible words start with letter z.

hint ^z

Next shows all words which does not incude any letter of audio and rents, and made of unique characters.

!audio !rents u


1: solid                    # try word "solid"
2: panic                    # try word "panic"
3: hint                     # show hint
3: !solid !panic =eft uniq  # search word exclude(solidpanic) include(eft)
3: wheft                    # try word "wheft"
4: hint                     # show hint
4: datum                    # try word "datum"
5: tardy                    # try word "tardy"


Wrong position character is colored yellow always, even if it is colored green in other position.



$ cpanm App::Greple::wordle
$ curl -sL http://cpanmin.us | perl - App::Greple::wordle


App::Greple::wordle, https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple-wordle

App::Greple, https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple




Kazumasa Utashiro


Copyright 2022 Kazumasa Utashiro.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

17 - greple -Maozora

Greple module for aozora-bunko proofreading


aozora - Greple module for aozora-bunko proofreading


greple -Maozora [ options ]


Version 0.01







正規表現では、通常とは異なり、「[ ]」で挟まれた一つ一つの文字すべてが検索対象として指定されます。



点検グループで用いている正規表現を、参考までにリストアップしておきます。 青空文庫の校正を進める上で、これらが何をあらわしているかを理解する必要はありません。ただ、簡単なものからでも試してもらえれば、作業の効率と精度をあげるのに役立つはずです。

  • –katakana-he


  • –hiragana-he



  • –check-he

    平仮名とカタカナの「へべぺ」「ヘベペ」を両方チェックする。 それぞれ異なる色で表示される。

  • –suspicious-he


  • –lonely-katakana


  • –lonely-non-katakana


  • –kyuji



  • –shinji



  • –kogaki



  • –lonely-alpha


  • –dot-in-middle

    半角の「.」の後に、半角のアキ(「 」)なしで文字が続くものをチェックする。

      \.([^ ()p」])
  • –space-at-eol


      [  ]+$
  • –suspicious-nl



      ^[^ 「[(『]
  • –suspicious-space


      ^ [(「『]
  • –ruby-1


  • –ruby-2


  • –ruby-3


  • –ruby-4


  • –ruby

    –ruby-[1-4] を全部チェックする。

  • –suspicious-brace


  • –rare-chars


  • –susupicious-ocr








Kazumasa Utashiro

Copyright 2014-2019 Kazumasa Utashiro

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

18 - greple -Mcm

Greple module to load colormap file


App::Greple::cm - Greple module to load colormap file


greple -Mcm --load-colormap ...


App::Greple::cm is …


Kazumasa Utashiro


Copyright 2020 Kazumasa Utashiro.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

19 - greple -Mdaemon3

Module for translation of the book “The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System”


daemon3 - Module for translation of the book “The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System”


Version 1.01


greple -Mdaemon3 [ options ]

--by <part>  makes <part> as a data record
--in <part>  search from <part> section
--jp         print Japanese chunk
--eg         print English chunk
--egjp       print Japanese/English chunk
--comment    print comment block
--injp       search from Japanese text
--ineg       search from English text
--inej       search from English/Japanese text
--retrieve   retrieve given part in plain text
--colorcode  show each part in color-coded


Text is devided into forllowing parts.

e        English  text
j        Japanese text
eg       English  text and comment
jp       Japanese text and comment
macro    Common roff macro
retain   Retained original text
comment  Comment block
com1     Level 1 comment
com2     Level 2 comment
com3     Level 3 comment
mark     .EG, .JP, .EJ mark lines
gap      empty line between English and Japanese

So [ macro ] + [ e ] recovers original text, and [ macro ] + [ j ] produces Japanese version of book text. You can do it by next command.

$ greple -Mdaemon3 --retrieve macro,e

$ greple -Mdaemon3 --retrieve macro,j


  • –by part

    Makes part as a unit of output. Multiple part can be given connected by commma.

  • –in part

    Search pattern only from specified part.

  • –roffsafe

    Exclude pattern included in roff comment and index.

  • –retrieve part

    Retrieve specified part as a plain text.

    Special word all means macro, mark, e, j, comment, retain, gap. Next command produces original text.

      greple -Mdaemon3 --retrieve all

    If the part start with minus (’-’) character, it is removed from specification. Without positive specification, all is assumed. So next command print all lines other than retain part.

      greple -Mdaemon3 --retrieve -retain
  • –colorcode

    Produce color-coded result.


Produce original text.

$ greple -Mdaemon3 --retrieve macro,e

Search sequence of “system call” in Japanese text and print egjp part including them. Note that this print lines even if “system” and “call” is devided by newline.

$ greple -Mdaemon3 -e "system call" --by egjp --in j

Seach English text block which include all of “socket”, “system”, “call”, “error” and print egjp block including them.

$ greple -Mdaemo3 "socket system call error" --by egjp --in e

Look the file conents each part colored in different color.

$ greple -Mdaemon3 --colorcode

Look the colored contents with all other staff

$ greple -Mdaemon3 --colorcode --all

Compare produced result to original file.

$ diff -U-1 <(lv file) <(greple -Mdaemon3 --retrieve macro,j) | sdif


Pattern 1

Simple Translation

.\" Copyright 2004 M. K. McKusick
.Dt $Date: 2013/12/23 09:04:26 $
.Vs $Revision: 1.3 $
.EG \"---------------------------------------- ENGLISH
.H 2 "\*(Fb Facilities and the Kernel"
.JP \"---------------------------------------- JAPANESE
.H 2 "\*(Fb の機能とカーネルの役割"
.EJ \"---------------------------------------- END

Pattern 2

Sentence-by-sentence Translation

.EG \"---------------------------------------- ENGLISH
The \*(Fb kernel provides four basic facilities:
a filesystem,
communications, and
system startup.
This section outlines where each of these four basic services
is described in this book.
.JP \"---------------------------------------- JAPANESE
The \*(Fb kernel provides four basic facilities:
a filesystem,
communications, and
system startup.

\*(Fb カーネルは、プロセス、ファイルシステム、通信、

This section outlines where each of these four basic services
is described in this book.

.EJ \"---------------------------------------- END


Block start with ※ (kome-mark) character is comment block.

.JP \"---------------------------------------- JAPANESE
.GL kernel
is the part of the system that runs in protected mode and mediates
access by all user programs to the underlying hardware (e.g.,
.Sm CPU ,
keyboard, monitor, disks, network links)
and software constructs
(e.g., filesystem, network protocols).

.GL カーネル
すべてのユーザプログラムがハードウェア (\c
.Sm CPU 、
モニタ、ディスク、ネットワーク接続等) や、ソフトウェア資源

protected mode は、ここでしか使われていないため、
protection mode と誤解されないために特権モードと訳すことにする。


cpanm App::Greple::daemon3


Copyright (C) Kazumasa Utashiro.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.




Kazumasa Utashiro


Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:

  • Around line 132:

    Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in ‘の機能とカーネルの役割"’. Assuming UTF-8

20 - greple -Mical

Module to support Apple macOS Calendar data

Actions Status MetaCPAN Release


ical - Module to support Apple macOS Calendar data


greple -Mical [ options ]

--simple  print data in on line
--detail  print one line data with descrition if available

Exported functions



greple -Mical [ -dnf ] …

greple -Mical –simple …

greple -Mical –detail …

greple -Mical –all –print print_desc …


Used without options, it will search all macOS Calendar files under user’s home directory.

With –simple option, summarize content in single line. Output is not sorted.

With –detail option, print summarized line with description data if it is attached. The result is sorted.


 SUMMARY:Annual Employee Review


Use -dfn option to observe the command running status.

Use -ds option to see statistics information such as how many files were searched.




Kazumasa Utashiro


Copyright 2017-2022 Kazumasa Utashiro.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

21 - greple -Mjq

greple module to search JSON data with jq

Actions Status MetaCPAN Release


greple -Mjq - greple module to search JSON data with jq


greple -Mjq –glob JSON-DATA –IN label pattern


Version 0.05


This is an experimental module for App::Greple to search JSON formatted text using jq(1) as a backend.

Search top level json object which includes both Marvin and Zaphod somewhere in its text representation.

greple -Mjq 'Marvin Zaphod'

You can search object .commit.author.name includes Marvin like this:

greple -Mjq --IN .commit.author.name Marvin

Search first name field including Marvin under .commit:

greple -Mjq --IN .commit..name Marvin

Search any author.name field including Marvin:

greple -Mjq --IN author.name Marvin

Search name is Marvin and type is Robot or Android:

greple -Mjq --IN name Marvin --IN type 'Robot|Android'

Please be aware that this is just a text matching tool for indented result of jq(1) command. So, for example, .commit.author includes everything under it and it matches committer field name. Use jq(1) filter for more complex and precise operation.


greple(1) commands read entire input before processing. So it should not be used for gigantic data or infinite stream.



$ cpanm App::Greple::jq


  • –IN label pattern

    Search pattern included in label field.

    Character % can be used as a wildcard in label string. So %name matches labels end with name, and name% matches labels start with name.

    If the label is simple string like name, it matches any level of JSON data.

    If the label string contains period (.), it is considered as a nested labels. Name .name matches only name label at the top level. Name process.name matches only name entry of some process hash.

    If labels are separated by two or more dots (..), they don’t have to have direct relationship.

  • –NOT label pattern

    Specify negative condition.

  • –MUST label pattern

    Specify required condition. If there is one or more required condition, all other positive rules move to optional. They are not required but highlighted if exist.


  • .file

    file at the top level.

  • .file.path

    path under .file.

  • .file..path

    path in descendants of .file.

  • path

    path at any level.

  • file.path

    file.path at any level.

  • file..path

    Some path in descendants of some file.

  • %path

    Any labels end with path.

  • path%

    Any labels start with path.

  • %path%

    Any labels include path.


Search from any name labels.

greple -Mjq --IN name _mina

Search from .process.name label.

greple -Mjq --IN .process.name _mina

Object .process.name contains _mina and .event contains EXEC.

greple -Mjq --IN .process.name _mina --IN .event EXEC

Object ppid is 803 and .event contains FORK or EXEC.

greple -Mjq --IN ppid 803 --IN event 'FORK|EXEC'

Object name is _mina and .event contains CREATE.

greple -Mjq --IN name _mina --IN event 'CREATE'

Object ancestors contains 1132 and .event contains EXEC with arguments highlighted.

greple -Mjq --IN ancestors 1132 --IN event EXEC --IN arguments .

Object *pid label contains 803.

greple -Mjq --IN %pid 803

Object any <path> contains _mina under .file and .event contains WRITE.

greple -Mjq --IN .file..path _mina --IN .event WRITE


  • Use --all option to show entire data.

  • Use --nocolor option or set NO_COLOR=1 to disable colored output.

  • Use -o option to show only matched part.

  • Use --blockend= option to cancel showing block separator.

  • Since this module implements original search function, greple(1) -i does not take effect. Set modifier in regex like (?i)pattern if you want case-insensitive match.

  • Use -Mjq::set=debug to see actual regex.

  • Use -Mjq::set=noif if you don’t have to use jq as an input filter. Data have to be well-formatted in that case.

  • Use --color=always and set LESSANSIENDCHARS=mK if you want to see the output using less(1). Put next line in your ~/.greplerc to enable colored output always.

      option default --color=always


App::Greple, https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple



Kazumasa Utashiro


Copyright 2022 Kazumasa Utashiro

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

22 - greple -Mmecab

Greple module to produce result by mecab


mecab - Greple module to produce result by mecab


Version 0.01


greple -Mmecab


Work in progress.




Kazumasa Utashiro


Copyright 2019- Kazumasa Utashiro.

These commands and libraries are free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

23 - greple -Mppi

Greple module to use Perl PPI module

Actions Status MetaCPAN Release


ppi - Greple module to use Perl PPI module


greple -Mppi


Version 0.01


Greple module to use Perl PPI module. This is just a work in progress experimental module.


  • –dumper

    Dump PDOM trees produced by PPI::Dumper module.

  • –cdumper

    Colorize dumped data.

  • –top

    Make search data block top level object.

  • –state

    Make search data block PPI::Statement.

  • –prune=type

    Remove type object from tree. This option have to be used before any other options.


Kazumasa Utashiro


Copyright 2022 Kazumasa Utashiro

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

24 - greple -Mpw

Module to get password from file


pw - Module to get password from file


greple -Mpw pattern file




This module searches id and password information those written in text file, and displays them interactively. Passwords are not shown on display by default, but you can copy them into clipboard by specifying item mark.

PGP encrypted file can be handled by greple standard feature. Command “gpg” is invoked for files with “.gpg” suffix by default. Option –pgp is also available, then you can type passphrase only once for searching from multiple files. Consult –if option if you are using other encryption style.

Terminal scroll buffer and screen is cleared when command exits, and content of clipboard is replaced by prepared string, so that important information does not remain on the terminal.

Id and password is collected from text using some keywords like “user”, “account”, “password”, “pin” and so on. To see actual data, use pw_status function described below.

Some bank use random number matrix as a countermeasure for tapping. If the module successfully guessed the matrix area, it blackout the table and remember them.

  | A B C D E F G H I J
0 | Y W 0 B 8 P 4 C Z H
1 | M 0 6 I K U C 8 6 Z
2 | 7 N R E Y 1 9 3 G 5
3 | 7 F A X 9 B D Y O A
4 | S D 2 2 Q V J 5 4 T

Enter the field position to get the cell items like:

> E3 I0 C4

and you will get the answer:

9 Z 2

Case is ignored and white space is not necessary, so you can type like this as well:

> e3i0c4


  • pw_print

    Data print function. This function is set for –print option of greple by default, and user doesn’t have to care about it.

  • pw_epilogue

    Epilogue function. This function is set for –end option of greple by default, and user doesn’t have to care about it.

  • pw_option

    Several parameters can be set by pw_option function. If you do not want to clear screen after command execution, call pw_option like:

      greple -Mpw::pw_option(clear_screen=0)


      greple -Mpw --begin pw_option(clear_screen=0)

    with appropriate quotation.

    Currently following options are available:


    Password is not blacked out when pw_blackout is 0. If it is 1, all password characters are replaced by ‘x’. If it is greater than 1, password is replaced by sequence of ‘x’ indicated by that number.

    id_keys and pw_keys are list, and list members are separated by whitespaces. When the value start with ‘+’ mark, it is appended to current list.

  • pw_status

    Print option status. Next command displays defaults.

      greple -Mpw::pw_status= dummy /dev/null


App::Greple, App::Greple::pw



Kazumasa Utashiro


Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Kazumasa Utashiro.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

25 - greple -Msccc2

Greple module for Secure Coding in C and C++ (2nd Edition)


sccc2 - Greple module for Secure Coding in C and C++ (2nd Edition)


Version 2.02


cpanm で git リポジトリを指定:

cpanm git@github.com:JPCERTCC/greple-sccc2.git

cpanm https://github.com/JPCERTCC/greple-sccc2.git

または、clone して

cpanm .


greple -Msccc2 [ options ]



環境変数 $SCCC2DIR を設定すれば、以下のオプションで第一版、第二版の 原稿を検索できる。

--ed1                search 1st edition
--ed2                search 2nd edition


--in <part>          search in <part>
                     (jp, eg, jptxt, egtxt, comment, figure, table)


--by <part>          display by <part>
                     (jp, eg, jptxt, egtxt, comment, figure, table)

--jp                 display Japanese block
--jptxt              display Japanese text block
--eg                 display English block
--egtxt              display English text block
--egjp               display jp/eg combined block


--extable            exclude table       
--exfigure           exclude figure 
--exexample          exclude example
--excomment          exclude comment
--join-block         join block into single line


--wordcheck             check against the dictionary
--wordcheck --stat      show statistics only
--wordcheck --with-stat print with statistics


--com                show all comments
--com1               show comment level 1
--com2               show comment level 2
--com3               show comment level 3
--com2+              show comment level 2 or <
--retrieve           retrieve given part in plain text
--colorcode          show each part in color-coded
--oldcite            old style 2digit citation
--newcite            new style 4digit citation


Society's increased dependency on networked software systems has been
matched by an increase in the number of attacks aimed at these


※ comment level 1

※※ comment level 2

※※※ comment level 3


Text is devided into forllowing parts.

egtxt    English  text
jptxt    Japanese text
eg       English  text and comment
jp       Japanese text and comment
comment  Comment block
gap      empty line between English and Japanese

egtxt と jptxt を取り出せば英語版と日本語版の原稿になる。

$ greple -Msccc2 --retrieve egtxt

$ greple -Msccc2 --retrieve jptxt




greple -Msccc2 --wordcheck --ed2


greple -Msccc2 --wordcheck --ed2 --diff | cdif (あるいは sdif)



greple -Msccc2 --ed2 偽装

--egjp を付けると対訳部分を表示する。

greple -Msccc2 --egjp --ed2 偽装

「偽装」を -r で必須パターンとすると、他の検索パターンはオプショナルになる。 それぞれは別の色で表示される。

greple -Msccc2 --egjp --ed2 \
    -r 偽装 \
    -e 'spoof\w*' -e 'craft\w+' -e 'disguis\w+' -e 'subterfug\w+' -e 'redirect\w*'

パターンをまとめてもいいが、一つのパターンにマッチする文字列は同じ色で表示される。 --uc (--uniqcolor) を指定しすれば文字列毎に違う色が割当てられる。

greple -Msccc2 --egjp --ed2 --uc \
    -r 偽装 \
    --re '(?i:subterfug|disguis|craft|fake|spoof|redirect)\w*'

-e (--and) の代わりに -v (--not) を指定すると、いずれの単 語も含まれない部分だけが表示される。

greple -Msccc2 --egjp --ed2 \
    -r 偽装 \
    -v 'spoof\w*' -v 'craft\w+' -v 'disguis\w+' -v 'subterfug\w+' -v 'redirect\w*'


Kazumasa Utashiro


Copyright 2014,2020 Kazumasa Utashiro

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.