greple -Mdaemon3

Module for translation of the book “The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System”


daemon3 - Module for translation of the book “The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System”


Version 1.01


greple -Mdaemon3 [ options ]

--by <part>  makes <part> as a data record
--in <part>  search from <part> section
--jp         print Japanese chunk
--eg         print English chunk
--egjp       print Japanese/English chunk
--comment    print comment block
--injp       search from Japanese text
--ineg       search from English text
--inej       search from English/Japanese text
--retrieve   retrieve given part in plain text
--colorcode  show each part in color-coded


Text is devided into forllowing parts.

e        English  text
j        Japanese text
eg       English  text and comment
jp       Japanese text and comment
macro    Common roff macro
retain   Retained original text
comment  Comment block
com1     Level 1 comment
com2     Level 2 comment
com3     Level 3 comment
mark     .EG, .JP, .EJ mark lines
gap      empty line between English and Japanese

So [ macro ] + [ e ] recovers original text, and [ macro ] + [ j ] produces Japanese version of book text. You can do it by next command.

$ greple -Mdaemon3 --retrieve macro,e

$ greple -Mdaemon3 --retrieve macro,j


  • –by part

    Makes part as a unit of output. Multiple part can be given connected by commma.

  • –in part

    Search pattern only from specified part.

  • –roffsafe

    Exclude pattern included in roff comment and index.

  • –retrieve part

    Retrieve specified part as a plain text.

    Special word all means macro, mark, e, j, comment, retain, gap. Next command produces original text.

      greple -Mdaemon3 --retrieve all

    If the part start with minus (’-’) character, it is removed from specification. Without positive specification, all is assumed. So next command print all lines other than retain part.

      greple -Mdaemon3 --retrieve -retain
  • –colorcode

    Produce color-coded result.


Produce original text.

$ greple -Mdaemon3 --retrieve macro,e

Search sequence of “system call” in Japanese text and print egjp part including them. Note that this print lines even if “system” and “call” is devided by newline.

$ greple -Mdaemon3 -e "system call" --by egjp --in j

Seach English text block which include all of “socket”, “system”, “call”, “error” and print egjp block including them.

$ greple -Mdaemo3 "socket system call error" --by egjp --in e

Look the file conents each part colored in different color.

$ greple -Mdaemon3 --colorcode

Look the colored contents with all other staff

$ greple -Mdaemon3 --colorcode --all

Compare produced result to original file.

$ diff -U-1 <(lv file) <(greple -Mdaemon3 --retrieve macro,j) | sdif


Pattern 1

Simple Translation

.\" Copyright 2004 M. K. McKusick
.Dt $Date: 2013/12/23 09:04:26 $
.Vs $Revision: 1.3 $
.EG \"---------------------------------------- ENGLISH
.H 2 "\*(Fb Facilities and the Kernel"
.JP \"---------------------------------------- JAPANESE
.H 2 "\*(Fb の機能とカーネルの役割"
.EJ \"---------------------------------------- END

Pattern 2

Sentence-by-sentence Translation

.EG \"---------------------------------------- ENGLISH
The \*(Fb kernel provides four basic facilities:
a filesystem,
communications, and
system startup.
This section outlines where each of these four basic services
is described in this book.
.JP \"---------------------------------------- JAPANESE
The \*(Fb kernel provides four basic facilities:
a filesystem,
communications, and
system startup.

\*(Fb カーネルは、プロセス、ファイルシステム、通信、

This section outlines where each of these four basic services
is described in this book.

.EJ \"---------------------------------------- END


Block start with ※ (kome-mark) character is comment block.

.JP \"---------------------------------------- JAPANESE
.GL kernel
is the part of the system that runs in protected mode and mediates
access by all user programs to the underlying hardware (e.g.,
.Sm CPU ,
keyboard, monitor, disks, network links)
and software constructs
(e.g., filesystem, network protocols).

.GL カーネル
すべてのユーザプログラムがハードウェア (\c
.Sm CPU 、
モニタ、ディスク、ネットワーク接続等) や、ソフトウェア資源

protected mode は、ここでしか使われていないため、
protection mode と誤解されないために特権モードと訳すことにする。


cpanm App::Greple::daemon3


Copyright (C) Kazumasa Utashiro.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.



Kazumasa Utashiro


Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:

  • Around line 132:

    Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in ‘の機能とカーネルの役割"’. Assuming UTF-8

Last modified April 24, 2023: update submodules (e4ab308)